Monday, May 12, 2014

Our Tulip Time

We usually try to go to the fireworks on Saturday.  I totally forgot about them.  We also try to take the kids down, once, to eat junk food.  I didn't want too because it's so expensive.  The Wednesday afternoon parade was our contribution this year.
We were running behind because we had lots of errands to run.  It was PACKED.  The only spot left, for front row seating, was next to some police officers that were guarding a barricade blocking off one of the streets.  So we stood next to them.

Brecken loved all the motorcycles and boats.  The girls loved the bands and color-guard "dances."

I had to bribe them to leave with promises of cotton candy.  We had already been there for 45 minutes with no end in sight.  Food works every time.  I also wanted a obligatory tulip picture.  These were the only ones that were out.  Adelyn asked if her cotton candy could be in the picture.  Suuuuuure.

And we always have to have a silly face.

Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle had their last Motor Movement class on Monday.  Right after that Adelyn had to jet off to another class.  I took B and J out for ice-cream to celebrate and they both wanted to smell the tulips.  Cuties.  Then we got poured on.

 We were pretty lazy Dutch people this year.  There is always next year.

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