Saturday, May 17, 2014


Adelyn started with a nasty cough a couple days after we got back from Mackinac.  Then she had a fever for 4 days.  Whenever she gets a fever she gets nightmares and sleep walks.  Thankfully these events usually happen right before we go to bed and, maybe, one more time.  She took a long nap every day that week.
This is her after waking early from a nap because she had a nightmare.

Friday night she was up for 4 hours crying, constantly, because her ear hurt.  I had a doctors appointment for her Friday morning and ended up cancelling because her fever had almost gone away.  I should have known better with her..  Saturday morning rolled around and I told Eric I was taking her to Urgent Care because I was not going to be up all night like that again.  We were the first ones in.  The NP took one listen to her lungs and said she needed a chest x-ray.  He looked in her ears and couldn't see anything from wax build-up (she has always been like that) but said the meds for her cough would clear up any ear infection.  On down to x-ray we went and they came back clear but her lungs still sounded nasty after a breathing treatment.  He diagnosed her with bronchitis and possible ear infection and sent us on our way with a script for a z-pac and albuterol.

Adelyn in the UC.  She looks super sick doesn't she?! ;)  She drew a dinosaur.

The z-pac knocked it right out of her and the albuterol always helps her, when things settle in her lungs.
We would wait until May to make our first "sick" doctors appointment.  No joke.

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