Tuesday, May 20, 2014

bUmPdate::32 weeks

These past two weeks have been relatively non-eventful for me!  Woo hoo.  I feel like d-day is closing in...and the weather is slowly turning HOT.  We had the air on and the heat on last week.  #michiganweather  I had to cave and turn on the air tonight.  It was up to 78 in here.  I thought it was supposed to cool off tomorrow but, nope, it's not.  Thursday is the cool day and then 80's next week.  So I said forget it.  The AC is going on.
Don't you love my necklace?!  Adelyn made it at nap-time for me :):)
How far along:: 32 weeks, belly measured 32 weeks
Heartbeat:: mid 130's-140
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 27lbs
Movement:: I can tell it's slowing down.  Or, rather, baby is running out of room.  Movements have been more of rolling around instead of actual kicking.  Doc said, today, baby was head down and super low.  I have felt some relief with the shortness of breath and kicking in the ribs.  But there are still times when it is bad.
Symptoms:: I've had to seriously watch what I've been eating again.  I was getting pretty lax with eating things that don't contain gluten but are cross-contaminated.  I can tell a huge difference.  Sad.
What I miss: My shorts.
Cravings:: Juice and ice-cream.
Best moments this week::  Being further along;)
What I am looking forward to:: In 2 weeks, I can deliver at Zeeland.  Woo hoo.
Names:: Surprisingly we are down to 2 boy names and 1 girl name (again).  The girl name is a name I have suggested before.  I made Eric go through a list of THOUSANDS of girl names a couple weeks ago and he had to give me 2.  The name I suggested was one of the ones he came back with but he wanted it spelled all weird like.  I said absolutely not.  So he finally said he didn't care the other day.  Now to decide on a middle name.  The boys names, 1 is my favorite and the other is Eric's.  We are working through it;)
Funny Moments:: Both Adelyn and Joelle have decided their aspirations in life are to grow up and be Mommy's and have HUGE tummies like me.  Quote, unquote :)  Then Brecken said he wanted to, too.  Ha.

Adelyn asked if we could cut my belly off the other day so we could all share it.  Morbid but thoughtful ;)

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