Tuesday, May 6, 2014

bUmPdate::30 weeks

30 weeks!!!  Ahh.  News flash::That means I have less than 10 weeks to go.  Or less.  Or more.  But hopefully less.  I missed my 28 week update.  Life has been crazy.  That's all.
Eric said the other day "you have such a love/hate relationship with pregnancy."  He is so right.  I love BEING pregnant and feeling the baby and love the idea of growing a life.  Right about now I start not liking pregnancy so much.  The shortness of breath, lugging a watermelon with me, being fat (I know, I know, it's not fat.  But when my legs touch and my arms look huge and my neck has 3 chins, well, I feel fat).  I told him the last 10 weeks, it's his turn to carry the baby.
How far along:: 30 weeks.  Belly measured 30 weeks.  I almost cried.  I have been consistently ahead, which never happens, for me.  So I was hoping for an early baby.  And I do, typically, fall behind as my pregnancies progress.  We shall see.  Eric laughed when I told him.
Heartbeat:: mid 140's
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 25lbs
Movement:: I told Eric the other day, and mentioned to the doctor, that I think this kid has diagnosed ADD in the womb.  Or is just super bored.
Last night the baby had the hiccups in my ribs.  We could actually feel the head moving up and down as the baby hiccuped.  That was super cool.  I (and Eric!) have never felt that before.
Symptoms:: Lots of shortness of breath.  If I'm not sitting straight up or laying flat on my side it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest.  This little one has been living in my ribs.  Sometimes I'll have Eric sit with his arm pressing the baby down just so I get some relief.
What I miss: Breathing.
Cravings:: Ice Cream.  Candy.  I wonder why I gain weight like no one's business, at the end :)
Best moments this week::  We leave for vacation and I got the go-ahead from my doctor.  Good BP, good weight gain, clean urine (bc everyone wants clean urine), no crazy symptoms.  Good to go!
What I am looking forward to:: Visits every 2 weeks! 
Names:: Names.  Bah.ha.ha.ha.ha.  This poor child has been our most difficult one yet.  I told Eric he could have his pick for a boy name IF I got the the spelling for the girl name.  He still won't say yes.
Funny Moments::  I've been asking the kids for name suggestions.  Adelyn wants to name the baby Ariel.  I ask for more suggestions and she will say "Those are my choices.  That's all I got."  Oh.  I'm sorry.  I thought I was talking to my daughter.  Not her father.  And thanks for the "choices."

Brecken wants to name the baby Farmer Joe.  Me "What if it's a girl?" B  "It will be a boy.  We will name him Farmer Joe." 

He, also, started asking how the baby is going to come out.  I told him "God will make a way."  "Oh.  Ok."

Brecken prays for the baby every.single.night.  

 Today Adelyn heard it was Mother's Day on the radio.  We/I haven't even mentioned it to her.  We don't make any kind of a big deal about hallmark holiday's at our house.  We actually try to make it a point to be out of town ;)  She said "Ooohhh Mother's Day!  We will have to treat you like a princess allllll day!  I am going to get special things for you!"  She wouldn't stop talking about it all morning.  We were talking about it before we went into her class and I said "Mother's Day is when you give your Mommy all kinds of kisses and hugs all day long."  Then a couple minutes later I gave her 3/4 kisses.  She said "It's not Mother's Day yet."  Oh.my.word.

Everybody loves to rub my belly.  "Can the baby feel this?"  Adelyn loves to feel the baby move.  She will sit patiently until the baby moves and then get all excited :):)

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