Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Awana::Awards Night

We had our Awana awards night.  Adelyn was SUPER excited to go.  These two cuties came along with Daddy.  They were excited to come too!  They.can.not.wait. until they get to go next year.


Big Momma had to get up front and hand out awards.  I did not have to speak....but did have too sing.  The things we do for our kids...

All my little Cubbies (and Cubbie bear!) that made it that night.


Such a rewarding year with these little people.  So many blessings.  Looking forward too next year!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Tulip City Panache::Community Group Edition

The men in our Community Group had a get together so we decided it was time for the ladies to go.  We headed to one of the local art places and tried out hand at canvas painting.  They went over the steps with us and then we got to try our hand at doing it ourselves.  Everyone's turned out different and I loved them all!



The group of us that went and everyone's painting.

So much fun!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Awana::Skating Party

We had the Awana skating party last night.  Adelyn has been SOOOOOO excited for it.  It's all she has been talking about.  Eric and I took her together and dropped Brecken and Joelle off at a friend's house.  Eric was real thrilled I had him get skates on.  But let's be honest, not exactly the safest thing a pregnant lady should do.

She skated with Daddy most of the night until one of these became available.  Then she wanted to do it in the little roller rink by herself.  I'd say she did pretty good :)

Then she got Daddy to fly her around the rink.


I was surprised how much she loved it!  She wanted to stay until the end so I took off a little early to grab B and J and Daddy and A stayed at the rink.  Adelyn told Brecken and Joelle alllll about it and now they are super excited to go next year ;)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Our Easter started earlier in the week with an Easter party at a friends house.  Mary had us all over and told the story of Jesus, had lunch and an Easter egg hunt.  The kids each got 12 "things."

On Sunday we headed to my parent's house.  While we were hiding the 2349889018321 eggs the kids did a little craft in the garage.  Donut tombstones.

My Dad got a little too excited that he could just set the eggs in the branches.  The kids loved it ;)

Pretty little lady

Little man was excited about the boxes of raisins again.  Everybody brings enough candy.  So I bring raisins.

Adelyn saw that box of raisins but didn't want to climb in there.  So B did for her.  Love them.

Daddy was trying to get Joelle to look in his pocket.  Instead they cuddled.

B's first blow pop.  Surprisingly, he doesn't swallow the gum.

One family made a pinata instead of bringing eggs.

The big swarm.  Joelle was content with her thing of Dots.

The kids had to climb Papa's tree and hang from the branches..

Joelle HAD to hold baby Brooke.  She's going to be my little helper monkey once the baby comes.  Then all the other cousins swarmed my Mom and we had to put the ka-bosh on the baby holding.

My cousin Christine snapped these of Joelle and I.  We are pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

After my parent's house we headed home to relax.  And eat some candy.

Monday, April 14, 2014

bUmPdate::26 weeks

and 6 days.  We had an insane week with my brother home the beginning of the week and a good friend's sudden death at the end.  I have been mentally and emotionally exhausted and my little blog has been sorely neglected.

I don't like this picture.  Over and out.

How far along:: 26 weeks 6 days.  Belly is still measuring a week ahead at 27 weeks (when I was 26)
Heartbeat:: 147 at my appt on Wednesday
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 17lbs.  No worries, it is creeping up there.
Movement:: All.the.time.  I'm noticing more and more trends in movement.  This little one is probably our biggest mover.
Symptoms:: Braxton hicks have been picking up with some intensity.  Mostly when I'm stressed.  If I lay down or drink some water or even go to the bathroom they usually let up.
What I miss: Sleeping without a belly;)
Cravings:: Sweets.  Chips.  Juice.  Things that are excellent for me.
Best moments this week:: Going to the doctor and finding out I'm still measuring a week ahead.  I'm wishing good early labor vibes.
I feel like I'm still off in la-la land about actually having a baby.  I think part of that is because we didn't find out.  So I think I'm still under 20 weeks.  This week my doctor said one more 4 week appt then you have to start coming every 2.  #yikes  I ended up scheduling all my appointments through mid-June because I don't like to get ones I don't want.
What I am looking forward to:: 28 weeks next week
Names:: Girl name is decided, boy name is un-decided.  We have three but Eric's favorite is not my favorite and vice versa.  The one that is left I don't like any nick-names for it.
Funny Moments::  Eric is thinking the baby is a girl.  He keeps calling the baby a she.  He did it three times the other night.
Joelle is convinced the baby is coming out of my belly button.
Brecken is determined it's a boy.  Joelle is determined it's a girl.  Adelyn will tell them "It could be a boy or girl!  Only God knows!"
Joelle has an insane habit of somehow whacking me in the stomach with a knee or an elbow or she'll use it to get up.  We are always telling her to be careful.  So now she likes to rub my belly and say "Is this ok?"

What I will miss when I am NOT pregnant...
...having a built in shelf to rest food on.  It is the perfect height.   Don't judge.

Friday, April 11, 2014

They Were Fighting

like cats and dogs.  Literally.  I thought they were in danger of killing each other.  I was on a series of very important phone calls and had booted all three of them outside to play.  The next thing I know Adelyn and Brecken are on the deck screaming at each other and literally clawing each other.  Adelyn was shoving Brecken and Brecken was busting out his karate moves.  They.were.not.stopping.  In between two of my calls, I had Adelyn come in and sent her to her room.  She was all bent out of shape that she was the only one punished.  I assured her I was just separating them and they would both be punished shortly.  I finished up my calls and went up to talk to Adelyn.  Turns out Brecken threw sand at her, she pulled his shirt and then he scratched her.  Escalated from there.  So we went and talked to Brecken and he confirmed what she said.  So I told them we don't do that to each other and they had to sit in time-out, together, for 5 minutes, holding hands.  At first, Adelyn didn't want to hold his hand.  I told her Brecken would serve his time-out and she would have to go to her room until Daddy got home if she didn't want to cooperate.  (Like 30 minutes later)  She decided holding hands for 5 minutes sounded better.  And so they did.  Surprisingly I did not have to re-set my buzzer once.  No fighting or talking is allowed while in time-out...or your buzzer gets re-set.  These two are so similar in personality.  They get along so well 9 times out of 10 but when they fight, they FIGHT.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Break::Critter Barn

We headed to the Critter Barn because they had some fun Spring Break events planned.  I think all of Holland and Zeeland had the same idea.  They had goat milking in the morning and something else in the afternoon...   We went with some friends from church and had a blast.

B and J deciding if they should make an escape attempt.

Adelyn loved the cats.  Someday, dear girl, someday.

A and B waiting patiently for their turn to hold the baby ducks.

Adelyn's turn.  They were loving spite of their expressions;)

Joelle and her duck.  Don't her eyes kill you?!  Every time I get a good shot of them on camera, I melt.

They talk about petting the chicks and the bunnies all.the.time.  "Can we go back there and pet the animals again?!"  All.the.time.  Our children are deprived, Eric.

Everybody getting a good look at the domestic ducks.

Joy snapped this with her phone, of the boys, and I just love it.  Such a sweet picture.

I didn't get any pictures of the actual goat milking because it was uber chaotic.  Everybody, that wanted too, had a chance to go up and "milk" the goat.  Adelyn and Joelle did.  Brecken didn't want to wait in line.  Ha.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tulip City Panache::Spring Break Edition

Tulip City had some fun spring break things for kids to do.  One was watercolor painting.  Joy and I signed up the kids (and ourselves!) to go.  Adelyn was SUPER excited that she got to go.  They gave you a piece of plain white paper to practice on and she drew this pretty sun with flowers.  Then she painted it.  She decided she didn't like it.  So she was walking around looking at the canvas paintings and saw one that was the circus zebra from Madagascar 3.  My kids actually loathe Madagascar 3 (there's a scary lady-there really is) but love 1 and 2.  And Brecken is obsessed with the zebra.  So she flipped her painting over and copied the zebra for him.  And she had her sun/flower drawing for Joelle.

Mrs. Joy hard at work.

Almost done with her circus zebra!

William and his Octonaut's painting!

Adelyn and our finished paintings/drawings.  She ended up wanting to draw a unicorn painting she saw laying around too.  That one was for her;)  I was super impressed with how she did, just following the painting!  She LOOOOOOOOVES anything to do with painting or coloring and is always asking how to draw things.  She will then copy it to a "t ."  I was just saying to Eric I was so bummed I couldn't get her into an art class this summer.  She had to be done with Kindergarten.  Not going into Kindergarten.  Oh well.  There is always next year.

Such fun.  Next up, acrylic painting on canvas with a group of church ladies!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Josh is Home!

We found out, last minute, that Josh was deploying at the end of the month so my parents flew him home for a couple days.  He wasn't able to take any significant amount of time because of the nature of his job but a couple days is better than nothing!  Since my birthday was in there, we had some birthday celebrations too :)  Josh wanted hobo pies while he was home so we busted out the fixings.  I had to pass...and have leftovers.  Lucky me.  Cuties were loving the campfire and don't forget your safety glasses for the smoke.

The girls were all about snuggling by the fire.  B was off playing ball somewhere.  Adelyn didn't bring a coat.  So she was freezing.

I'm convinced they make the same faces.


See?!  Again.  The same faces.

There was a scary part in the movie.  I don't even remember what we were watching but it was something we have seen before..

We had both sides of grandparents over the last night Josh was here.  And had to have a fire with smores again.

Funny boy.

Awwwww.  B loves his Papa.

Cute little Jojo

Pretty lady loving her smore.

That's a lot of cuteness on one bench ;)

I picked up some GF cookies that I could put marshmallows on.  Eric was threatened with his life if he ate one.  So he had to pretend.

A good lookin bunch.

Josh is off to sail the seven seas.  And tour Japan, Australia and Hawaii.  No one said his job was boring.  I told him he needs to plan these things better.  No one would let me on a plane to go see him anymore...  We will see him again around Christmas!