Friday, August 9, 2013

Sleeping Twinkies & Public

I didn't get Brecken and Joelle down for naps until 2:30 today.  We got home from camping at 10:30.  Ate our donuts and unpacked.  I wanted to wash their sheets.  First they had to get unburied.  Then washed and dried.  I wanted to give them a bath..and eat lunch.  So 2:30 it was.  At 5:15 I was browsing facebook when I saw an ad for what was for dinner at Public.  I had an instant craving.  I told Eric we were going.  With the kids.  Eek.  When he got home at 5:30 I went to wake B and J...this is what I got.


We made it to Public by 6:00 and managed to snag a booth right as someone was leaving.  We were hoping to sit outside but everybody out there had just arrived.  Inside it was.  Brecken and Joelle requested Mac and Cheese.  Adelyn had a grilled cheese.  We haven't been out to eat with them in FORever.  Not for any reason, other than we haven't gone out to eat.  They actually did quite good.  We were just praying for someone louder and there definitely was;)

Joelle thoroughly enjoying her Mac and Cheese;)  The best Mac and Cheese you will ever eat.

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