Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Coopersville-Marne Railway

Earlier this summer I had bought a Groupon for the Coopersville-Marne train ride.  We have been so busy and the two Saturday's we wanted to go were not available.  Thinking we were leaving Friday (and it expires the end of August!) I knew I had to buck up and use it on a Wednesday...or give it to a friend.  We took the 1:30 train and I was a little nervous about missing naps.  Everyone fell asleep on the way out so at least they got a little snoozer.  We got there and everybody was soooo excited.  We were standing in line for tickets and Adelyn and Brecken were terrified the train would leave without them.  We boarded and found some seats.  When we had pulled up I saw all the windows open and almost cried because that meant no AC.  I WOULD pick the hottest day of the summer to ride a non-air-conditioned train.  It actually wasn't that bad..  

Waiting for the train to take off!  Everybody had an actual ticket for the train and they all tried to hand them to the conductor as we boarded.  He gave them a high five and told them he would come around on the train to punch their tickets.  So we sat down and Adelyn was so excited that he was going to come around and punch our tickets "Just like Dinosaur Train!"  She held her foot up and wiggled her toes and asked "Will he punch it with his claws like on Dinosaur Train?!"  I laughed out loud and so did the people next to us.  I told them clearly I should add something else to our DVR;)

As we chugged through some corn fields Joelle proudly announced to everyone "Smells like poop!"  On the way there and the way back.  

 Naturally, 5 minutes after the train took off from the station we HAD to use the bathroom.  So I had to parade over there with my three angels, use a teeny tiny closet of a bathroom.  Think porta-potty.  All while doing one child at a time, with the door propped open, so we didn't have any train jumpers.  And then there was no soap to wash our hands with.  And my hand sanitizer is still in the trailer.  Yum.  Brecken wouldn't go pee, at first, because the train was swaying.  Obviously.  So I had to hold his legs and tell him it was ok and he wasn't going to fall off.  The things I do.

I tried to get a picture of the three of them.  Joelle said "No."  So I didn't.  Adelyn kept asking if we were going to go through the time tunnel as well.  Again, Dinosaur Train.

On our way to Marne we were in the caboose.  When we stopped in Marne they switched the engine to the back so we were the first train!  The conductor came through and said we might want to plug our ears if they were sensitive because the whistle would be really loud now.  Every time the whistle blew Brecken would clap his hands over his ears sooo fast.  Joelle laughed.  Adelyn stuck her fingers in her ears.

I tried to get a picture of all three of them in front of the train.  Joelle walked away.  And wouldn't come back.  You don't press your luck with that girl when she hasn't had a nap.  So I got a couple shots.  A lady offered to take one of all of us, as she watched me struggle, and I just laughed and said maybe we can re-visit this in about 5 years and get a family picture.  She laughed;) 


The kids had so much fun and Brecken keeps asking when we can go back.

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