Saturday, August 17, 2013

Michigan’s Adventure

We headed to Eric's work party at Michigan's Adventure today.  I know, I know.  Adelyn has had a 104 fever since Wednesday.  She went to bed with it Friday night and woke up Saturday...fever free!  I figured it would come back while at the park and we would just have to leave but it never did!  Hooray.  I know we weren't outside of our 24 hour window that you are supposed to be fever free but, like Eric said, you KNOW there were tons of kids there with fevers/other ailments.  Brecken and Joelle headed to Papa and Nana's for some good quality time with them.  When we asked Brecken what he did he said "Went to splash puddle. Took a napper."  Joelle "Ate chicken. Went down slide with Papa."  Haha.  You know where their priorities lie;)

This is the only water slide Adelyn will go down.  Don't even be thinking about asking her to do differently.

I had to get a picture of Eric in the swan by himself.  And he, per usual, had to look off into the distance.

Photo bomb!  Eric's pretty proud of his "family photo."

We did the Thunder Bolt right before this and it's one Adelyn hasn't ridden yet.  It is a more advanced ride but definitely nothing crazy.  We got in line and after she watched a couple rounds she started chickening out.  They started slow and then after a couple times around the announcer came on and said "are you ready to go faster?!" Then it went really fast. She started saying that she didn't want to go on it.  She said it went to fast.  Then she started kinda freaking out "I'm too short!  This ride isn't for 4-year-olds!"  And she ran away.  Luckily Eric was off getting drinks so he was nowhere around, otherwise I never would have gotten her to go.  But she did go.  She told the operator to "go slow."  He laughed.  She did end up loving it;)

She, surprisingly, wanted to go on this one again.  She is her father's daughter..  This picture cracks me up..

Slightly less blurry..

And this one just makes me giggle.  She climbed on and was waiting.  Then this adorable little fellow climbed up next to her.  She chatted his ear off.  This is totally a picture I'll see again someday..

We had such a great time.  I'm so glad we just chanced it and went.  She would have been soooooo sad if she hadn't been able to go.  She looks forward to this all year.  We told her this past week that we would be going and last year, at the Hudsonville fair, she rode some alligator mini-roller-coaster ride.  She HATED it.  It didn't even do anything other than go around in a circle.  But typical fair ride, it was really bumpy and jerky.  She prayed every.single.night that the alligator ride wouldn't be at Michigan's Adventure and that she wouldn't have to go on it.  The things they remember..

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