Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hudsonville Fair::2013

Earlier this week Rachael had asked me to watch Keegan so they could go watch the dirt bikes at the fair.  I had said no because we were supposed to go to NC.  Then that got delayed a week.  My poor deprived children (said incredibly sarcastically) have not been to the fair at all this year.  I did not feel bad at all texting Rachael and asking if we could invite ourselves along;)  We headed to the Pizza Ranch for dinner beforehand and off to the fair after!

Rib-eye is looking good this year.  A couple hundred pounds and he would look most excellent in my brand new freezer.

No fair visit is complete without a stop at the tractors!

Loving Kaylee's hair!  And Kaleb's tongue;)

 Twinkies on a tractor

After we watched the dirt bike for over an hour we headed out.  Right before we left someone had fallen off and gotten hurt.  They had to be carried away by stretcher and I'm pretty sure that was the highlight of my children's evening.  Brecken asked to pray for him when I put him to bed.  Such a sweet boy.  "Boy fall off and got big huge owie!"

No fair visit is also complete without a stop on some dilapidated rides.
I think this picture is so cute of Adelyn and Kaylee off on their train ride.

                                                                                                 If I've seen this face from Eric once, I've
Pretty girls riding in the engine.                                              seen it a thousand times;)                    

As we walked past this ride, on our way to the train, I jokingly asked Adelyn if she wanted to ride on this one.  I thought it would be a repeat of the Alligator ride.  At first she said a resounding "No!" then she changed her mind and it was all she could talk about.  Eric F. took the big girls on this ride and Eric L. and I took the little kids on a car ride.  Eric said the girls loooooooved it.  Looking through the pictures I concur.  In every single one they are beaming:)

 It whips you around this corner and I thought for sure Adelyn would FREAK out.  Nope.  She's getting courageous in her old age.


 I thought everyone would like to go on the Elephant ride.  Adelyn's been riding on that, at Michigan's Adventure, since she was 2.5.  Turns out, at the fair, you have to be 42 inches or with a parent.  Why?  Because the seat belts don't lock.  Oh.  OK.  So glad I put B and J on by themselves...
Rachael and Kaleb

 Had to include this one of Joelle:)


Pretty girls!

 Thanks for letting us invite ourselves along, Eric and Rachael!  We had a blast. We didn't get the kids down until 10:30..oh well, you only live once.  Adelyn came for a visit around 2 and I sent her right back to bed.  Brecken thought he could wake up at 6:00.  I sent him right back to bed.  Adelyn came down, again, at 7.  Brecken and Joelle are still sleeping.  Who wakes up at 7 after they have been to bed at 10:30?!  Oh well, I'm off to a baby shower and Eric can deal with attitudes today;)

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