Monday, August 19, 2013

Peach Pickin’

We headed out to pick peaches today.  They started picking Saturday and they are estimating roughly 3 weeks picking time.  We are leaving Friday for NC for 11 my time was now or never.  I was hoping the picking was plentiful because I didn't want to be out long.  It was!  The kids did great and it only took us about 30 minutes to pick 2.5 bushels.  I'll can most of them and give some to Eric's parents and my parents.  YUM.

This cutie was quite helpful.  She picked a couple bucketfuls...and thoroughly enjoyed walking around with her bucketful.

 My biggest helper monkey.  She picked tons.

Brecken picked one bucketful.  Maybe.  He was having too much fun stepping on all the peaches on the ground and mashing them.  Booooooys.  He LOVED the tractor ride out to the orchard.  Then the tractor left us there.  He only asked me 492921 times when the tractor was coming back.  Then when it did come through, which was about every 5 minutes to pick people up/drop them off, he thought he got to go for a ride again.

I decided to let them snack on some peaches while I loaded them up.  It kept them quiet.
My little man munching on his peach.  He polished off two.

Adelyn helped herself to two as well.

Now textures weird Joelle out.  I didn't think she would eat them because of the skin.  She did.  She ate one half of two peaches.  Then she didn't want to hold the pit to eat the other half.  Seriously.

These two.  Could eat fruit alllllll day long.  Doesn't matter what kind....or if it has skin on it. ;)

Now to can our millions of peaches...lucky me.

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