Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Impeccable Timing

**If I cancel an event with you, don't return your call or text, or look like I haven't showered in days, don't judge.  My primary concern right now is my needy children.**
Saturday morning Eric asked me if we were leaving Sunday or Monday for camping.  I had written Monday on the calendar but thought I had booked Sunday so Eric could help me set up.  I double checked.  Sunday.  Oh.  Ok.  I'll be ready to leave in 18 hours.  Saturday night rolls around.  I was up once with Joelle and once with Brecken.  Sunday rolls around.  Eric lets me sleep until 9.  We go for his (late!) birthday lunch at my parents.  Joelle gets a fever.  Mind you, she's been on antibiotics for a week now.  Her meds were switched on Friday so I figure it's gotta be working or something crazy is going on with the UTI.  She gets hotter and hotter and more and more lethargic.  We decide to bring her to DeVos.  My experiences with Urgent Care cathing has been terrible...and she's getting more and more experienced at clamping down.   While there for 4 hours she improves with a huge dose of Motrin.  Her urinary results come back the same and her urologist wants to wait another day.  Thanks.  So glad I paid $150 to watch Tinkerbell and Finding Nemo. 

We did NOT leave for camping on Sunday.  Eric brought the trailer to the campground and set it all up with the intention of us leaving Monday morning.  Monday rolls around and I have B running around with no diaper on because he got a huge blister in his groin area from pedaling his bike all around Sunday night.  I kindly inform him I am NOT cleaning up poop or pee off the carpet so he better inform me if he has to go.  Thinking to myself ha, ha, yeah right.  Not 5 minutes later he's running to the bathroom saying "I gotta go, I gotta go!"  Oookkkk we head in, I stick him on the toilet and seconds later he pooped and peed.  Not even joking.  Clearly, he wants to potty train.  He runs off with his two jelly beans and is informed to tell me when he needs to go again.  He went about 8 more times that morning (figuring out if he trickled a little in the toilet he gets a jelly bean).  Meanwhile I've been on the phone with Joelle's urologist three times, DeVos once and her ped once.  We leave for camping around noon with Brecken in his undies.  I make it all the way out to the lake, realize I forgot some things, turn around go back and get them and B falls asleep.  With undies on.  J has a 104 fever, super lethargic, won't eat, won't drink and has the chills.  B never pees in his undies.  Arrive at the campground.  Enter our first public bathroom experience on our first day of potty training.  Always a blessed time.  While in there, "What's dat? What's dat? Don't touch that. Point penis down. Keep your legs together. What's dat? Udder people go potty? What's dat? Don't touch that.  Keep penis down.  Ok.  Forget it."  Meanwhile the girls are screaming and running around.  A campground bathroom.  I quit.  We head out.  He pees three different times in three different underwear.  Not that I blame him.  I tried a couple times in the bathroom.  Waaaaayyyyyy too distracting and the girls run around like crazy.  Not that I blame them either.  I had a light bulb moment.  I had brought our little potty for emergencies but I decided to set it our on the rug and he could just use that.  After his third accident I told him he was wearing a pull up for a little bit (because previous mention of diapers again made him cry.  Not even joking.  "No diapers, no diapers!"  Ok, ok.)  We eat dinner and walk out towards the beach.  Come back without incidents.  J is doing better on a hefty dose of Motrin, she actually ate some supper.  B only peed once in his pullup.  We start getting ready for bed and I sit with B on the little potty.  He peed and pooped.  Went and got our jammies on.  J's fever came back 5 hours after Motrin.  I gave her another good dose at 5.5 hours.  We read our books and sing songs.  I head out with B to potty one more time and he does.  Eric arrives just as everyone is going to sleep.  I sleep with  J and she is up 3/4 times during the night.  Everyone else made it until 7:15.  Impressive.  J has no fever in the morning but essentially cries the whole morning.  B tries to pee on the little potty right when he wakes up.  No go.  He says he doesn't want a pull up on and will tell me.

B trying to potty in the morning.  Me asking Eric what he was doing because I didn't realize he was taking a picture.  Clearly I care what people think I look like.
We go for a little walk.  He says he has to go to the bathroom so we pull off and he actually goes to the bathroom in the public bathroom.  Hooooooray!  We head back and B falls out of the stroller and skids his palms all up.  J is dragging her foot (unknown to me) and I roll it over.  You better believe the whole campground is awake now.  Daddy leaves for work.  I get everyone ready.  B pees a little in the potty before breakfast.  While eating he pees in his seat.  I bang my head on the picnic table because I'm not allowed to get mad at a toilet training individual.  Clean up breakfast.  Trying to get B to go on the little potty because I know he has to poop.  Meanwhile A is trying to ride her bike away, J is whining "Hold me, hold me" and B is trying his best to not be distracted.  I quit.  I tell everyone we are going home for a little while because it's not fair to B to toilet train at a campground, J doesn't feel good and I am getting mad at A for looking at me cross-eyed.  A starts screaming at me "You said 5 days Mommy!  You said we could camp for 5 days!  I don't want to go home!  I like camping!"  Clearly.  We came home with B riding in undies.  When we get home he promptly poops and pees in the toilet.  Makes it one more hour, trying to pee once with no sucess.  10 minutes later he tells me "I go bafroom!" Off we go and he pees.  Start making lunch and I ask him to go again.  Eating time is our struggle area.  He peed while eating his lunch, yesterday, and breakfast today (in his chair).  He poops and pees, again, on the toilet.  He eats.  Now it's nap time.  Head upstairs and get him to go potty on the toilet. Read our books, sing our songs.  B and J are sleeping on top of a blanket with no pillow, no sound machine, no box fan and their little tiny car blankets.  After a mild "I don't have my sound machine!" from Adelyn she, too, is sleeping.
I'm going to try to manage a shower without waking everyone up.  Then we will head back to camping again.  Don't judge my little toilet in front of my trailer.

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