Monday, August 12, 2013

Rainy Monday

Adelyn woke up at 7 and Brecken woke up at 7:45.  For whatever reason he stayed in bed and whined until I went to get him.  (They only had the child lock on their door for a couple weeks-coming out incessantly has never been an issue for them)  He left Joelle alone, for once, and she never woke when I went to get him.  I made a yummy breakfast of french toast zuchinni banana craisin walnut bread and spinach strawberry blueberry smoothies.  When finished Adelyn asked if they could go play in the rain.  At first I said no because it hasn't been all that warm.  Then she asked again and I said let me check the weather.  It's 65 out.  Plenty warm for a jaunt in the rain.  I got their suits out and their umbrellas and off they went.  I had to snap some pictures of these cuties playing.  Joelle was still sleeping..

Dancing and singing in the rain.  "Jesus loves me and I love him! Jesus loves the rain! Jesus loves me and I love him!"


Again with the singing.  Joelle is still sleeping...


I asked Adelyn to give Brecken a kiss.  She leaned in for a sweet hug..

and then gave him a sweet kiss:)

While they were outside I edited pictures for 11, count it 11, blog posts.  Adelyn and Brecken came in at 10:30 to dry off and play downstairs.  I just started hearing Joelle make noises upstairs.  I went to get her..and snap a picture.  This is her "Shucks I missed breakfast!" face.  I brought her downstairs for her very belated breakfast.
Then Brecken pooped in his underwear.  After he already pooped on the toilet earlier this morning.  
Dear Lord, please give me a once a day pooper the next time.  Amen.

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