Monday, May 27, 2013

Our Little Garden

I wasn't planning on doing a garden this year since we are doing a full share of a CSA.  I couldn't resist.  This is our little garden spot and I feel like this is the first year Adelyn and I will have a real chance to get out there and take care of it.  It was only $30 for all our plants at the farmers market and we will have so much fun with them.  

Planted in the back are 5 tomato plants, summer squash and zucchini.  Much to my disappointment the girls really wanted watermelon.  The vines are going to take over the garden and that annoys me.  I kept my thoughts to myself and bought them.  I have to put down some black plastic and then we will plant those.. 

Adelyn is holding a worm she found in the garden.  She was on a hunt for "worms to put next to the veg-a-bles."

Adelyn with our herb boxes.  Dill, mint and parsley are in this one.

Basil and parsley in here!

 I dug all of the holes, Adelyn planted and filled them back in.  Yes, I realize I was foolish for letting her plant in all white.  Oh well, she didn't get that dirty.  She loves to help water and weed them already.  Let's hope it keeps up all summer long;)

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