Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring Mini Session

We had some pictures taken on the 4th.  I used D&E Image.  I found them through a friend of mine who has had quite a few pictures taken with her.  They always turn out sooo sweet and I miss having mini-sessions.  I couldn't have picked a worse day for me to be super busy.  I ran the Tulip Time 10K, we had someone come re-do part of our lawn in the morning, Eric and I re-seeded, fertilized and tidied up that area in the afternoon and pictures at night.  I had all the kids clothes laying out, went to Old Navy in the morning for Eric (and me!) but couldn't, for the life of me, find the bow I wanted Joelle to wear.  I spent precisely 5 minutes on my hair (and hated it) and also wanted to give Eric a hair cut.  That didn't happen.  Brecken and Joelle took a good nap but then screamed in their cribs for an hour while we were trying to finish the yard work.  Adelyn spent her "rest-time" yelling at us from her bedroom window.  To say I was rushed and exhausted is putting it mildly.  I had zero expectations for this photo shoot, but since I always go into every photo shoot with that expectation, I am always amazed.  Adelyn was being a bit ridiculous when we first arrived "because sand was getting in her shoe."  But she quickly got over it when we told her walking in the grass was acceptable.

First family shot.  Love it.  Apple trees in the background.  Which would have been in bloom if it hadn't been 15 degrees until 2 weeks ago.

Adelyn and her faces..

I'm pretty sure, in most of these, you can lip read Brecken saying "cheeeeeese."

So sweet.


Proof that Adelyn is a sweet, sweet girl.  I said "aweee" when I saw it.  Eric said "she's probably pushing Joelle."  Ha.

I LOVE this.

Handsome little dude and his mohawk.   He askes me, nearly every day, to do his hair.

I can.not.believe how thick, and long, Joelle's hair has gotten.  I've kept it quite short so her sides could catch up but, my goodness, it looks long.

We wanted another picture of all three of them.  But all three of them wanted their own chair.  So we went with it.  And no one wanted to smile.  So we went with that too.  And had them cross their arms.  Some succeeded, others did not.

 Ring around the rosy..  So fun.

Tried to get a cute one of them on top of the bricks.  Ha. Ha. Ha.  Crazy faces in the first one and B "hugging" everyone in the second.  ;)  Gotta have a few fun ones.
And then we get this cute one from little B.



They are pretty cute.  If I do say so myself.

B is such a sweet little boy.  And Adelyn is such a tolerant big sister ;)

Nothing says "all done with a photo shoot!" like a sucker!!!

So glad I found Liz to do our pictures.  I don't know anyone who does mini-sessions anymore and I like to do a mini in the spring and a full in the fall.  She did a great job with the kids, took loads of pictures and gave them a sucker at the end ;)

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