Sunday, May 12, 2013


This is our 5th! year going to Mackinac with our group of friends.  We had four couples this year.  Actually, the original four.  2 couples couldn't make it.  1 just had a baby and the other just celebrated a 10 year anniversary with a get-away.  We headed up on Wednesday night and Adelyn was soooo excited so she didn't get any rest time.  This was about an hour after we started..
The whooooooole way up Brecken was either crying or saying "get out! get out! get out!" on repeat.  He's an easy going kid but send him on vacation and he chooses to teeth and be ultra whiny.  Fun stuff.  We spent the night at the Clarion in Mackinac city.  It was really nice because they gave us a 2 room suite for the price of a regular room.  We put Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle in one room and we took the other.  They didn't get to sleep until 10:30 because they were too busy getting out of their pack and plays, poking Adelyn, giggling and pooping.  I finally went and laid in there with Adelyn.  Any time someone said something they were told to hush.  Around 2:00 Joelle sounded the alarm.  I ran in to get her before she woke everyone and took her back to our bed.  Not a couple minutes later I heard the squeeeeeeeak of the door and B's little feet pitter pattered over.  So I slept with B and J on my half.  Eric slept on his half.  God bless the person who invented the king size bed.

 On Thursday we made the 10:00 ferry over to the island and since it was 60 and sunny I wanted to have the kids ride on the top. 
The view of the Mackinac Bridge.

I concede, after the fact, that it was a mite chilly and moderately windy.  The girls were thrilled.  B didn't care.  Eric had a wind breaker on.

Adelyn went to sit by Daddy because she thought it would be better up there.  It wasn't.

 After we got to the island we headed to the park to let the kids work off some steam.  When we got back to the hotel we discovered it without power.  They said a squirrel probably died in the transformer box (it happens all the time) and the power should be back on within an hour or two.  They also happened to mention that the trees were on fire around the transformer box.  Lovely.  Mark and Tiff got to the island around 12:30 and we ate lunch.  Afterwards we rented Sophia and Adelyn bikes.  It was BEAUTIFUL out.  65 and sunny.   It was probably the slowest bike ride ever.  But these 2 cuties loved it.
The power was still off when we got back from our bike ride.  We were starting to get annoyed because we had a cooler full of food, that runs on electricity.  I had to hunt down a bag of ice from the bar next door.  We placed it on top and off we went.  

We went out to eat at Horn's Bar and Grille that night.  Please notice the beautiful new table tops.  We were strictly informed, once our waitress came over, that the "coasters" were not to be used as play toys.  Tiff told her just to leave them off and the lady responded with "your drink HAS to be on the coaster so it doesn't ruin the table."  Ummm.  Ok.
The kids got oreos with their supper.  They finished eating their nuggets and Joelle was having a go at the oreos.  Per Joelle, "Yucky chocolate.  Jojo weird."  She only licked the centers off..
When we got back to the hotel the power was FINALLY on.  Things happen, but goodness, they should stick some squirrel fencing around those boxes or something..

 Friday I didn't get many pictures.  We headed out for a little bit of shopping in the morning.  It was around 50 and sprinkling.  I took these pictures with my phone, while we were by the toy shop.

  After lunch, it cleared up and Eric and I took our kids on a hike around the island.  We rented Adelyn the "purple bike" again and wound our way around the center of the island.

Saturday dawned cold but sunny.   I think it was around 45.  It looked like it was going to rain in the afternoon so we decided to do the obligatory bike ride around the island in the morning.  We got the Wee-Hoo for Adelyn.  When we told her what she was going to ride she said "what's a Hee-Hoo?"  Last year we had the carriage ride from way down under, this year we got the bike ride from way down under..  Eric had Brecken and Joelle in the Burley and they were ticked off they had to sit in it.  They screamed their way down Main Street.  We made it to the end of the street and Adelyn's bike rocked to the side.  She freaked out, we had to stop, I turned around (without her) and brought it back.  Turns out they had it on backwards.  Cool, thanks.  Brecken and Joelle screamed the whole time I was gone and then proceeded to scream themselves to sleep.
I snapped a couple pictures, while we were riding, and, per usual, I got a great one of Cory making a funny face.

Daddy with the sleeping babies..

We went through one spot that was very thickly covered with trees and Adelyn said "We are going through the jungle!"  I played along and said "Yeah! Pretend we are in the jungle and it's nice and warm!"  Because my hands (and hers) were freeeezing.
Here she is screaming her fool head off because I had gotten way ahead of everyone and she thought that "Daddy was going to get lost in the jungle!"  Bah.


 Afterwards we had to make a stop at Starbucks for some (real) coffee and hot chocolate.  Nate doesn't make a habit of drinking 2 coffee's.  Just holding my coffee as well as his own.

 We headed straight to the butterfly house after our coffee.  We heard they had $1 admission that day, so they sold us.
B looking all studly..and angry.

Oooo look at the pretty butterfly!

Let's consult our "maps" and see what kind it is!

Then, let's blow on it and get it to fly away!  Success.

I was busy counting my children's heads and found both the girls.  I was wondering where my son was.  He was busy pondering how he was going to climb the trellis.

Family photo

Pretty lady Adelyn.  She found a flower on the ground and wanted to take it with her.  The employees making sure you didn't nab any butterflies, at the exit, also told her she had to leave her flower in the greenhouse.  That went over like a fart in church.  But she did...and was promptly distracted by the turtles in the next room.

 Pretty Jojo

As I was walking out with Jojo she noticed this cool butterfly.  I think it looks like a peacock ;)

After we ate lunch Adelyn and I headed out for some shopping while Daddy stayed behind with Brecken and Joelle so they could take a decent nap.  We headed out in the rain.  A little while later we were blessed with this.  Snow.  Adelyn said "I thought it was supposed to be spring! Why is it snowing?!"  I didn't have a good answer.

 We couldn't make it through the vacation without incident.  On the way to breakfast, Sunday morning, Joelle was walking by me and I was telling her to go sit by Eric.  So she was looking back at Eric, not listening to me and walked smack into a server table tray thingy.  She, of course, started screaming.  So I headed out to the lobby with her.  One of the front desk people had just answered the phone so he ended up putting the person on hold, because of the wailing.  So I told him it just adds to the ambiance and I probably just got that person to book another night.

It was COLD but relatively sunny.  We decided to stay inside and do some swimming.  We went swimming every night, after dinner, and both Brecken and Joelle are quite the water rats.  B is quite a bit more daring than Jojo but they were both swimming and floating along without to much assistance.
Daddy and his babies

Adelyn and her floaties.  She was quite a bit braver this year.  We are seriously working on it being ok to get your face wet.  She still won't jump in and go under but at least it's not a serious freak out if her face gets wet.

Chloe and Adelyn swimming

The kids were thrilled to have their picture taken with me in the "hot little pool."

Brecken, William and Adelyn swimming in the hot tub

All the kids thought it was great fun to eat the bubbles.  I think it's quite disgusting ;)

 William finally convinced his momma to let him get something out of the vending machine.  He didn't realize he was going to have to share ;)

 Three cuties rocking on the porch

 Obligatory Lake View hotel picture.  We had a stranger stop and yell at the kids.  Then they finally looked at me ;)

The ferry ride.   Oh the ferry ride.  It was running behind because of the weather so we managed to make the 12:30 ferry...when it was actually 1:00.  Since we were some of the last on board, all that was left were the wet seats in the front couple rows.  We wiped them off and sat down.  I was pretty annoyed that I might get wet.  Joy was taking some "candid shots" while Eric and I were arguing over us getting wet or not.  When I realized she was taking pictures this was my response::

I made my way to the back of the boat and asked about water coming in through the windows.  I was assured up and down that it might just drip in at the edges but not all over the seat.  Apparently I should have asked about it pouring in through the ceiling.  Then maybe I would have gotten an honest answer.
This is how we started on the boat.  We are the third row from the front.  Nice and close together like the loving family we are.

If you look very closely at this one you can see the water coming in through the ceiling.  And please also note, we are no longer close.  Eric was smashed against the window and I was half off the seat.  With two sleeping 30lb-a-piece toddlers on my lap.  The lady in the 4th row, 3rd in (blue jacket), proceeded to vomit the.entire.time.  I saw her bust out a bag about 5 minutes in.  She was right behind Eric.  I looked over at one point and his face was stuffed in Adelyn's hair.  I asked him about it later (mind you, HE gets sea sick himself) and he said that he could smell the pizza she ate for lunch.  SICK.

This sweet lady had asked if I wanted to move over by them.  I informed her that I had not, the one toddler, that she could see, sleeping on my lap but two toddlers, sleeping on my lap.  I didn't find it wise to move around, on a heaving boat, with 60+ pounds of sleeping children in my arms.  She offered to carry B out for me, when we docked.  He never even noticed...

We made it off the boat in one piece.  Miraculously the kids fell back asleep about 30 minutes into the ride.  Adelyn slept for about 1.5 hours and Brecken and Joelle slept for about 2.5 hours.   Joelle got bored reading the map...

I picked up some sweatshirts before we left, for the kids.  I wanted to get some last year but Brecken and Joelle were still going through clothes so quickly that I decided not too.  These are 4T so they should last through next year ;)  Adelyn picked out this hat and asked if she could get it.  We obliged.  I think it's pretty cute.

 We had a great year at the island.  It's one of our favorite places to go.  The weather was, actually, pretty great.  Apart from the snow.  65 and sunny to 30 and snowing.  The kids loved it and they are at fun ages to take on vacation.  Hopefully next year no one will be teething.

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