Monday, May 6, 2013

Shhhh…it’s quiet upstairs.

Eric got the kids up from naps yesterday.  An hour or so after, he says to me "I forgot to tell you.  I went up to get them and B was standing on the landing."  I nearly cried.  I HATE the bed transition.  It is permanently scared on my memory from Adelyn.  I was determined to have Brecken and Joelle wait until they were 3.  I have many friends who have waited until 3 (or later!) and have had great success.  Nope.  Nichole gets the monkey children.  Mind you, B and J have been on mattresses on the ground since B was about 18 months and he climbed out.  Now he can climb out of this.  He climbed out for my dad last night, at 5:00am this morning and at 7:30.  At 5, we finally wised up and but the door knob lock on the inside of their door.
Side rant::Keep your mean and hateful comments to yourself.  Until you live in a 2 story house, the main bedroom on the 1st story, kids bedrooms on the 2nd story, and kids who wander in the middle of the night, you have NO right to judge what I do.  And I asked a CPS friend of mine if I was breaking any laws.  I'm not.  Side rant::Done.
When he got out at 7:30, I heard him whack at the door knob cover and say "Mommmmy!!!  You lock it!!  Momma!!  Wake up!! You lock it!!"  Muahahahaha.  Eric and I went back and forth on what to do.  Their cribs didn't come with day bed rails and I don't like doing that because I feel like it's kinda the same thing as a crib and Adelyn HATED it.  In my experience I'd rather get it all done at once.  So I had to go buy some mattresses.  And convert some beds.  And try and make 2 full size beds fit in a postage stamp room.

First I had Brecken demonstrate his spidey skills.  I knew exactly how he was doing it, because he's been doing it on the cupboards.  I was right.  Just walking right up the side.  Adelyn had some neat little trick where she used the front and side rails to hoist her legs up and over.  B just walks.


 It took me FORever to get their beds converted and situated appropriately.  I didn't really want access to that window you can see in this picture.  It's a two story window, straight down to a bunch of rocks.  Brecken had already climbed up the sill just while I was working in there.  Who knew what he would do while he was "sleeping."  In order to do that, I had to turn their beds around...and block the vent in their bedroom.  Because the people who finished our upstairs are....erm....extra special.  We'll just leave it at that.  Mind you...not people we hired.
Someone needs to tell B and J they are doing it wrong.. ;)

Finally got them all situated.  Drove to Costco to get the rest of the stuff for Mackinac and eat lunch.  I promised the kids lunch there since they were soooo good this morning.  And they really were.  Adelyn was a huge help and B and J were only mildly annoying.  Checked out mattresses at Costco.  Gulp.  Eric called Furniture Warehouse in Holland and they were the same price as Costco was for one.  Sold.  I went there, picked them up and brought them home.  I had to take 2 trips.  Went to get bedding.  Couldn't find anything I liked so I picked up sheets and bed skirts and called it good.

My mom took the kids for the afternoon so I could get the shopping done.  I had the beds all assembled and Brecken's bed ended up being SUPER high.  I didn't like how high it was so we did some re-arranging.  Adelyn had a low-profile box spring, so it ends up being half the size of a normal one.  We decided to switch her box spring and Brecken's.  We also took the feet off his crib so it was lower to the ground.  Much better.  After we read books to everyone, Adelyn ran into her room, I finished with B and J.  I walked in just as Adelyn was going to climb into bed.  She runs up, starts climbing up, backs up and immediately says "Who made my bed higher?!  Fix it.  I don't like it."  She was soooo upset and Eric and I had the hardest time NOT laughing hysterically.  The funny thing was we were trying to hurry when switching it because I had said she would be soooo ticked if she knew we did it.  Needless to say, even though her sheets and accessories where in perfect order, she noticed the extra 3 inches.  We ended up talking her off her ledge and she was fine.

We read books the same as always (notice the book case covering the window, for now), I put them in their respective beds, kissed them and left.  Joelle was super excited for "new bed, pillows!, new sheets"  Brecken was pretty whiny about it but he was SUPER tired.  I heard some quiet chatting for a couple minutes and then nothing.  Trust me, I'm not holding my breath.  It will get bad.

Yes.  I know their letters are crooked.

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