Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sleeping Moments

Night 1::
Quiet talking, asleep by 8.  J fell out at 11:30 and they both woke up, B woke up at 12:30 and they both woke up, B woke at 6 and I slept with him until 7:15, B (unknowingly to me) went in and woke J up at 9.  They know have a child lock on the inside AND outside ;)

2 hours.  GREAT.

*Also discovered B is getting his 2 year molars.  He is a terrible teether.  Probably has a lot to do with the night time wakings.*

Night 2::
Quiet talking, asleep by 8.  B woke up at 1 and they both woke up.  B woke up at 1:30 and they both woke up.  B slept until 7:15.   J until 10

Night's 3-6 Vacation.  Pack n Plays.

Night 7::
Right to sleep at 8.  B woke at 5, B woke at 6 they both woke up.  B slept until 8. J until 9.

Night 8::
Asleep by 8, B woke once.  B woke at 6:30.  J slept until 9.

Nights 9-17::
Joelle did AWESOME, for this transition.  She has woken once or twice in the middle of the night.  It's Brecken that's mildly annoying.  He wakes up once probably 4/5 nights out of 7.  When he wakes up he is either screaming OR he thinks it's funny to go poke Joelle awake.  Then he wants me to lay with him.  Then he wakes up between 6 and 6:30.  And if I want him to rest or fall back asleep I have to lay with him.  After many nights of this, Eric put the kabosh on it.  He started going up there when B would wake and he would sit by his bed until he fell asleep.  Brecken was super thrilled when Eric went up there.  NOT.  

Nights 18-20 CAMPING::  
Oh man.  I didn't even know what to do for these.  I wanted so badly to do them in the beds.  But I was afraid it was going to go terribly.  So I brought pack n plays too.  We did them in the beds.  Each in their own and, much to our wonderful surprise, they did great.  Hallelujah!  We are pack n play free!  And crib free!

Nights 19-21 (which is present)::
No one has woken during the night!  Hopefully that phase is over..  B still wakes up between 6:30 and 7.  But I can handle that.  He rarely pokes Joelle awake.  Just goes and stands by the door and makes quiet noises.  Occasionally he will wake up crying and then it's a mad rush to try and get him before Joelle wakes up, but usually she stays sleeping.  So, sooooo thankful they go right to sleep.  They have been SOOOO much easier than Adelyn ever dreamed of being.  Having 2 of them in the same room brings some of it's own challenges but I'm thankful they are minor.  And not many.  Kinda sad they Brecken did that transition on their own.  I was so prepared to wait until they were 3.  Oh well.  Now to potty train.  Hardy har har.  Clearly, that is going to be our difficult transition.

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