Thursday, May 23, 2013

Members Night::JBZ

JBZ had a members only night.  We really wanted to go but it was the night before we were supposed to go camping..  We managed to make it there for an hour.  This is the second time we got to see the new bear exhibit.  But the bears were, literally, up close and personal this time.  
I don't remember where Adelyn was but B and J were enthralled with the bears.  I had to tear them away.

Brecken saw some big kids doing this.  Their grandma was with them and she turned and said to me "I hope your kids aren't watching.."  I didn't think Brecken was but, clearly, he was.  The kids walked away and not 2 minutes later he climbed up and was practicing his stunts himself.  Sigh. 

 The kids had a blast and so did we.  Eric doesn't get to come to the zoo with us very often so it was kinda fun to go at night and see the cool new things:)

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