Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dutch Village. Play Group.

We were supposed to go last Wednesday to Dutch Village with our play group.  It was supposed to be 45.  We rescheduled.  You can tell the difference a week made.  #onlyinmichigan

Little dude.  He remembered the carriage's from Saturday and happily climbed up, solo, to "drive."  As you can tell, he was pretty thrilled ;)

 Three cuties driving.

 Brecken, Joelle and Adelyn going down the wooden shoe.  We had a twin collision.  Probably because Joelle INSISTS on going down like that.  Every.single.time she goes down a slide.

Brecken and Joelle swinging.  Adelyn refused to go.  Ever since she turned 4, she has become VERY decisive on if something is "scary" or not.  This was definitely scary.  No amount of bribery or your brother/sister is doing it will persuade her, either.
B wanted to go on Saturday.  It was sooo busy and there were so many big kids on it I boycotted.  You can see how many kids were there today.  I was hoping I had a picture of the evil goose in these but I don't.  He started stalking us here.  He was walking around the swings, while they were swinging.

 And they are off!  Brecken LOVED it.  No surprise there.  Joelle was indifferent.  Which is better than screaming.  Which, I had told the guy running it, he might have to stop it for her.

 Flying by :)

 Kaylee, Adelyn and Kaleb riding the carousel together.  Again, no horse for Adelyn.  She had me put her on one.  Then pitched a fit.  Because it was scary.

  Here's the whole goose story:: She was walking a couple steps in front of me to get on the carousel.  Chloe was a foot or two in front of Jojo.  I saw it grab at Chloe's skirt, the guy shoved it off her, I thought Chloe was going to freak out (I would!) but she just kept walking.  So I didn't draw attention to the matter.  I'm helping B up on the carousel.  Next thing I hear is Joelle's death scream.  I already knew what happened.  I turn around and it's attacking her.  The thing is taller than her and it bit her and knocked her over.  The guy had shoved it away.  I thought it had got her belly.  So when I pulled up her shirt to look, there was no mark.  The guy was SUPER concerned I was going to sue she was hurt.  I told him she was fine.  She's still screaming.  I look at Brecken and he's playing in the grease on the bottom of the horses of the carousel.  His hands were COVERED.  I was trying to hold his hands away from his clothes and hold onto Joelle.  The guy was alll frazzled.  Saying he's only seen one kid ever get grease on him, the geese never attack blah blah blah.  Get me a freaking tissue, dude.  He's apparently never seen us come through.  After the ride I sat on the bench to further clean Brecken's hands and inspect Joelle.  The bite mark was actually on her upper leg.  The reason I didn't see it, the first time, was because it was right under the leg of her bloomers.  So the lace kinda covered it up.
When I got home, Eric asked me if I choked the goose.  I informed him I was too busy with his son (and daughter!) to choke a goose.  It was rather funny because a friend texted me this morning, asking about Joelle, and when I told her what Eric said, she said her husband had asked the same thing!  Haha.  Men, they think alike.  No goose abuse.  TODAY.

 Brecken and Joelle on the carousel.  B was sooo excited.  Joelle was fresh off her goose trauma.

There was a dutch dance at 11.  After the sweet little grandma's danced, all the kids got to go out and try their hand.  Surprisingly, Joelle jumped right off my lap.  And then did this.  Oh well.  It's still sweet :)

Adelyn, Chloe and Brecken trying their hand.

              Adelyn and Chloe                                                                   Kaylee and Brecken

I took this picture of poor little Jojo's leg when we got home.  Sweet baby.  She always gets the short end of the stick.

Another funny story::I did my sister's hair while B and J were napping.  Adelyn was telling Auntie what they did, where they went and who they were with.
Auntie::Who went with you?
Adelyn: My best friends.  Chloe, Kaylee, Sophia.  William didn't go.  He had a green eye.
Me (and Auntie)::What did you say?
Adelyn::William had a yellow eye.
Me::He has PINK eye.
Adelyn::Oh.  Pink eye.

Then today she told my mom the same thing.  Only he had red eye today.  Which is actually, probably, more accurate ;)

All in all, fun.  But I will be choking geese, next time, if they dare attack my babies.

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