We headed to Muskegon State Park Friday afternoon. We were excited/nervous for our first camping trip. Adelyn was beyond stoked. Eric and I were nervous about sleeping arrangements. Brecken and Joelle don't remember. I can proudly report sleeping arrangements worked out great. We are officially pack and play free. For now. Joelle slept at the far end, Adelyn on the table, Brecken on the bed next to us and us on the other end. Brecken, per usual, had to have some kind of ailment. We were on vacation after all. His allergies flared up SUPER badly. The entire first night he slept with us and coughed the.whole.night. He tossed and turned and coughed. And repeat. We got him some Zyrtec, stat, the next day. He cleared right up and slept great the next two nights. Adelyn and Brecken woke pretty early, around 6:30, the first 2 days. The last day we slept until 7:30. Spread it on.
When we got there, on Friday, we set up our site and headed out to dinner. After dinner we came back with promises of a campfire and marshmallows. The kids didn't get to bed until 10. They were all super crabby, Eric was in a terrible mood and I was being super negative. I was convinced it was going to go horribly and I wanted to go home. We all agreed to wake up in a better mood and see how the next day went. Thankfully, the rest of the weekend went great. Brecken and Joelle are at such an easier age than they were last year. They were a lot of fun and had a blast. Adelyn, of course, was beyond thrilled to be camping. She talked about it alllll winter.
Saturday we went to Pentwater for the day. We had bought the kids bubbles at Meijer and they were so excited to use them. We packed a lunch, ate and headed to a little park to blow some bubbles.

Daddy and Joelle blowing bubbles
Smores. Yum. Without chocolate;) Because Joelle doesn't like it AND I'm not giving my kids chocolate at 9pm.

Sunday morning Eric took the kids to the store to grab a couple things. I got to shower in peace and quiet and have a second cup of coffee with a book before they got back. I returned the favor and took the kids to the beach to play with toys while he showered. The water was 50 degrees but that didn't stop them from putting their toes in. Brecken got more wet than just his toes. But that's not a huge surprise;)
A boy and his toys..
2 pretty ladies

They were baking cookies. Together. Love them.
Daddy came down and blew up the beach balls. He tossed them around. And the wind blew them around. And he chased them down. What a good Daddy.
Jojo throwing. Little B kicking.
Making "sand angels."
Such a pretty lady.
My two handsome men.
Sunday night we ordered deep dish take out. I brought bananas so we had banana boats in the fire. Adelyn, Eric and I had chocolate, raisins, and marshmallows in ours. Joelle had raisins and marshmallows and Brecken was feeling odd and only wanted marshmallows. I asked him about 5 times and his answer was the same every time.
Make a crazy face. Love the look on Jojo's face.
Monday morning we went for a hike and showed Daddy our secret passage way. The first time, when I took them on Saturday morning, we were headed down the hill in the first picture. Eric wasn't with us. But he was with us in spirit. As we headed down, Adelyn said, in her best Eeyore voice, "This is a baaaaaaaaaaad idea." Obviously, she got over it.

A and B running down the hill to the beach. Daddy and Jojo moseying down the hill.

The view of the dune we climbed.
We were going to go to the parade Monday morning but didn't feel like rushing into town by 9:00 just for a dinky parade. We'll try for a different one and the kids won't know any different. We thought the weather was supposed to be beautiful Sunday and Monday but it was still chilly and cloudy. Thankful we brought our little heater! We all had so much fun and can't wait to do it again.
AND we are pretty excited, we can officially say, we are pack and play free, for now!!!