Monday, August 6, 2012

My day...thus far.

Do you want to know what my day is like?  (Nearly) every morning I wrestle with Adelyn about clothes or hair.  Or both.  She likes to pick out her own clothes and sometimes it just doesn't look right.  Or she wants to wear a skirt for the 2398423 day in a row.  Today she didn't want to wear the absolutely adorable dress that I just got for Joelle (WAY to big) at Art in the Park.  She told me it looked crazy.  "That shirt is crazy Mommy!  I am not wearing a crazy shirt! I don't like it!  I am going to throw it in the crash (trash)!"  So while I was holding the shirt open to put on her, Brecken ran over and put his head through the hole.  Whatever, at least it's on someone.

 She did end up putting it on and being totally fine with it.  And she actually let me do her hair how *I* wanted too and didn't put up a fight.  At one point I told her to stop wiggling, she did and when I was almost done very politely asked "Can I wiggle now?"  Ha. 

 We headed outside this morning to have some fun.  We have been so super busy that I haven't been outside with them hardly at all lately.  The pool is filled in the back just waiting for babies to wake up :)

Mr. B..and some super awesome sun flare.                                 The only one I got of him semi-smiling.  Ha.
Seriously.  This girl is sooo stinking cute.  And I can not believe how blond her hair has gotten.  It was BROWN when she was born.  Like dark brown.
 Love her.

I know.  Super attractive, right?!  He wears dresses and picks his nose with a vengeance.  Lord, help us.
Adelyn wasn't loving the camera in her face today either.  This is the only decent one. 

It was, apparently, making her uber nervous.  Biting of the nails disgusts me.  I have to seriously catch myself to NOT say anything.  Because it will just make it worse.  Or make her self conscious.  Argh.

Her new (used-thank you Craigslist) scooter.  She LOVES it.  She was hogging the neighbor kids so Eric found her one on CL.

 Jojo swinging.  She could sit here all day.

 Can you believe she knows how to pump now?!  She can't get very high but it's so cute that she knows how too.  Aandd she is so proud that she can :)

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