Friday, August 31, 2012

JBZ with Daddy!

We took a trip to the zoo with Daddy.  We had to use our membership one more time before it started getting chilly!  All the animals put on a show today.  Never saw so many of them up close and personal.

                                                                                                    Always a good place to take a picture.  
                       The bears                                                     Getting the kids to look happy is another story...

Look closely and you will see the leopard.

Pretty pink flamingos.

We had to have a once a year splurge and ride the camel.  If I remember correctly it was $20 to go around  a circle 3 times.  Redonkculous.  But the kids loved it :)

Pretty sure this lioness was nice and close too.  And loud.

Not quite sure how I feel about her staring at Adelyn...

No zoo trip is complete without a visit to Brecken's extended relatives.

Moose got stuck.  What's a Momma to do, other than take pictures, of course ;)

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