Saturday, August 18, 2012

Daddy's Work Party::Michigan's Adventure!

Eric had his work party at Michigan's Adventure again this year and while a bit chilly for the water park it was awesome for the rides.  We had my mom and dad watch B and J again and just took A.  So much easier.  They would be a wreck and there isn't much they can ride.  We felt like she enjoyed it so much more, this year.  She's 3 1/2 and can finally, truly, handle not having a nap.  She actually gets excited about rides and expresses which ones she wants to do.  She has reached the magical 42 inch height requirement and can ride most of the rides.  46 inches is the final stop before you can ride everything.  Maybe next year the way she keeps growing. 

**Eric doesn't do rides.  That's why I am in all the pictures ;)**
The whale ride.  One of the most annoying rides there.

Except for the Merry Go Round.  I made him step up to the plate for that one.  Ha.

Roller Coaster!

Adelyn loves the car rides (and fire engines!)  The little girl next to her was so sweet and moved over so Adelyn could sit in the front too.

The boat ride.  Another of A's favorites.

Dumbo.  At first she wouldn't make it go up and down.  Then she realized how it worked.

The water park.  We were in there for about an hour, which was plenty long.  We went down this slide multiple times.

Daddy managed to stomach this slide too.

One of the little slides she would actually do by herself.

We squeezed in quite a few more rides before we left.  This is a new one for Adelyn and she loved it.  It was actually pretty crazy and I didn't think she would like it.  But she did.  ...and in every single one of my pictures the boy in front of us has the same expression on his face...

The motorcycles.  Love her face :)

Had to ride the boats again :)

So much fun.  I love that they have their work party at such a fun place.  We talked about taking Brecken and Joelle next year and I think they get to stay with Nana and Papa one more year.  3 was so much better than 2.

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