Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Ugh.  Every year I am a glutton for punishment when it comes to the month of August.  But then we enjoy the benefits for the rest of the year.  Last year I did 3 bushels of apples and we ran out in the middle of winter so I bought another bushel and made it last until now.  I decided to start off with 4 bushels, right off the bat and that is a lot of sauce.  My mom also did 2 bushels and Tiff did 2 bushels too.  If you were counting that's a total of 8 bushels that we had to do...  I have 50 something stuffed quart bags.  My inside freezer has a ton of bags and so does my outside freezer.  

It was only my mom and I at first so these cuties "had" to help because Papa decided to work over time and not come watch them.  They were actually pretty good.  We just kept them busy gently putting throwing apples in the sink to be washed.  Tiff came over around 6, my dad came over at 7 and Eric started helping us after the kids were in bed.  Then we were cruising.  We managed to finish 6 bushels that night..and 2 another day.

How bout dem apples?!?!

Not sure what was going on with the blurry pictures but it is what it is sometimes.  They are still cute.  It's a good thing I like my kids.  AND my kids LOVE applesauce.

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