We went camping in TC for 4 days and it was wonderful. It was a bit cooler than perfect but so much nicer than the 90 degree weather we had been camping in. We just love Traverse City and it was the best place we had camped this summer. True to form, B was teething really badly and super crabby. 2 nights he ran 102/103 fevers which can be normal for him. We kept him drugged up on Tylenol and he was fine for the rest of the vacation. Poor little man.
On the way up. Who could not love this Goofy girl. Always sleeps like this in her
deliciously chubby little face?! car seat.

One afternoon we were driving around Leland and Sutton's Bay and Eric decided he wanted to drive up to Leelanau State Park to see the lighthouse. It was SUPER windy but at least it was relatively nice out.
Daddy and his babies. LOVE the look on B's face. Ha.
Little B and the lighthouse A pretty good pic if I do say so myself. :)

Another day we headed to the TC fair. Fair's are sooo expensive. It cost us $13 just to get in. Adelyn wanted to ride the pony, so everyone wanted to ride the ponies. $15. We had to get something to eat because it was lunchtime but didn't want to buy a lot. $8. Then we went on 3 rides. THREE rides, folks. $20.
Alas, everyone had so much fun on the ponies. B and J cried when they got off.
Couldn't get a smiling one because I was afraid to let go of her for any longer. And the horse's eyes look super creepy. So that's awesome.
Adelyn wanted to ride the roller coaster. She must only like roller coasters if someone goes with her..
because this is the face of fear. She was terrified. When she got off she informed us that she did not like it.
We toned it down to a mild car ride for the next one. B and J got in the action because they have reached the 32 inch height requirement. They LOVED it.
Hillbilly Train Ride next! No joke, that's what it's called.
They had a new cupcake shop in TC that my sniffer smelled out. The first night Eric and I got a cupcake and the kids got frozen yogurt. I got the Lime cupcake (the one on the right). I informed Eric that we WILL be going back before we leave. This was the second time. The lime one was so good I had to have it again...and get the Red Velvet cupcake. YUM. Yes I ate them both. In two sittings.
Nothing makes vacation complete without a visit to the park! This is the park across the street from the State Park, right on the bay.
Little lady asked to have her "picture taken." Those baby blues kill me every time. Cutie.

anything. He's to busy to have his picture taken. I finally got him during snack time.

Best vacation yet. I think it's safe to say we have finally got this camping thing down.
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