Friday, April 27, 2012

Sophia and Charlie come for a visit

Tiff had a baby shower she was hosting on Saturday and she asked me to watch the kiddos on Friday so she could get ready in peace and quiet...and not have to unbuckle and buckle kids a million times while she was running errands.  Adelyn LOVES (LOVES) Sophia.  Sophia tells EVERYONE that Adelyn is her best friend.  "Adelyn is MY best friend."  I always have to ask Sophia if we can share Adelyn.  She doesn't really respond ;)  Brecken and Joelle always love getting in on the action.  They also love baby Charlie.  They would bring him his toys and try to put his paci in.  Until Joelle realized that she was being hosed.  She can only have her paci in her crib so once she realized Charlie got to keep his, she started taking it away.  She wouldn't suck on it.  Just take it.  She's a sassy girl, what can I say.

Brecken loving on Charlie.  He had just touched heads with him..which is his version of a hug.  

Adelyn and Sophia::both look thrilled that I stopped their play to take a picture
Charlie::wondering why he was still face-down in our nasty carpet
Brecken::stinker face.  Trying to escape
Joelle::crying.  Because she did escape and I brought her back..

Lunch time with five kids, three and under.  Not as chaotic as one might think.  I always tell Eric its kinda like a cafeteria.  Get out all of your components.  Slap everyone's food on their plate.  Stick them all in their chairs.  Throw their food in front of them.  Enjoy 15 minutes of blissful silence while everyone stuffs their face.

We had to give Sophia a gator ride.

Poor Sophia..right after she started driving it, it blew up.  Almost literally.  The battery started on fire.  No I am not joking.  The girls talked about it all night.  My dad is still trying to fix it.

We love us some Sophia and Charlie!

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