Monday, April 23, 2012


When I came downstairs from putting B down for his nap Adelyn had the broom out and was sweeping.  I had an epiphany.  I showed her how to turn the dust-buster on and off and she vacuumed the whole kitchen for me while I was putting Jojo down.  She has always been really good at doing things that we ask her to do.  It's her job to go get Kota from her cage whenever we get back from somewhere, she likes to fill Kota's bowl with dog food, she puts her dishes in the sink when she is done eating and she doesn't mind doing other little things that we ask.  I had a little talk with her and told her I loved it when she helped me and that, if she wanted, I would give her a quarter when she helps me with things.  She thought that was sooo cool.  We went downstairs and she picked out a canning jar to hold her quarters.  We put it on the counter and I was telling her things she could do for me.  I didn't even mention washing the windows and she asked to wash them.  I said sure and got her things.  Normally she'll wash the slider, the front windows and occasionally our bedroom windows.  Today she washed the slider, the front windows, the tv stand, asked me to pull up the blinds so she could wash the kitchen windows and asked me to pull up the blinds so she could wash our bedroom windows.  I pulled the blinds up on all of them and continued making some muffins in the kitchen.  I didn't hear her for a while so I asked her what she was doing.  She told me she was washing windows.  I peeked in the living room and she was washing the windows by our front door (that have probably never been washed)!  I told Adelyn she could save her money for a toy she wanted, save it to put in the bank or give some to church and she told me she was going to save it all to put in the bank.  Ha.  I called Eric and told him all about it.  I think I'm liking this new chore thing.

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