Monday, April 9, 2012

Bye Josh :(

My brother is leaving tomorrow.  We had a good-bye supper tonight for him.  It's sad to see your sibling 2 weeks a year.  We are going to miss him.  He deploys in June and he gets post-deployment leave so we are hoping to see him for Christmas...and maybe Brecken and Joelle's birthday.  Hint, hint, Josh.  
When I finally sat him down with everyone, to get a picture, they were ready for bed.  They were sick, crabby and tired.  The pictures we got are pretty pathetic but that's how it goes right now.

The best one.  Jojo cried in all of them.

 An out-take.  Adelyn's wiping her nose with her blanket, Jojo is screaming, Brecken is picking his nose and Josh is trying to control almost 90lbs of wiggling children.  Ha.

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