Sunday, April 22, 2012

The new ride.

We got a new vehicle in the Fitzgerald household.  It's one I have been looking for, for a long time.  There was no way I was going to spend $400 on a new one so I've been stalking the online yard sale and Craigslist.  I found a couple on the yard sale but they weren't gender neutral or the kind I wanted.  I looked at Craigslist one day and found a Gator in Rockford.  I called her up and she was willing to give it to me for $100 since the battery they had "wasn't working."  I said deal and went to get it the next day.  When I got there it was a bit older looking than I expected but I had already driven there and Adelyn saw it so we got it anyways.  The people who had it did quite a bit of work on's pretty souped up.  It has a better "stock" battery (I ordered 2 more, 1 to have in it and 1 to have charged and ready to go), they put new tires on it last year and they added another battery in the back.  When you hit a switch for the other battery to kick in, it goes super fast.  We haven't charged that battery up yet ;)  When I got it home Eric put the old battery on the charger just to see if we could get some juice in it.  The batteries we ordered aren't going to be here until the end of the week..kind of a long wait when you are 3.  We got it working, it doesn't last very long but it works!

She loves it.  Sooo funny to watch her figure it out.  She would hit the gas and get scared and let go and repeat.  Hahaha

She saw a butterfly in the grass and got scared that she was going to run it over.  She had to get out and take a picture ;)

Brecken woke up from his nap and had to have a ride.  We all knew he would love it.  He is going to be ripping up the yard by the end of summer..

Jojo woke up and went for a ride!  I thought she would be terrified but she loved it!  And, yes, we are those parents who use a bungee cord for a seat belt.  Don't call CPS on me.

Please get a good look at Joelle's hair.  We also bungee cord our children in the back.  Again, don't call CPS on me.

Bahahahahahahaha.  This totally makes me smile.  They all loved it and no one fell out.
PS.  The neighbor kids all thought it was hysterical that you could ride in the back.  That was everyone's favorite seat ;) ;)

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