Sunday, April 8, 2012


Our plans were to have 3 Easter's.  Friday night with my Dad's side, Saturday night with Eric's family and Sunday with my Mom's side.  On Tuesday our kids got mild colds.  On Wednesday Joelle stopped eating and got a fever.  On Thursday we went to the doctor (negative for a UTI, just a bad virus).  Thursday after the doctor she developed some strange twitching that was very intermittent.  Friday morning she vomited blood.  Friday morning we went to the Urgent Care.  She was diagnosed with pneumonia.  Our Easter plans came to a fast halt.  We didn't go Friday night and cancelled Saturday, since it was at our house and Eric's mom was sick.  Sunday we all went to church in the morning.  The kids sat with us since they were all sick and we made it about 3/4 of the way through the sermon before we had to evacuate. 

We went downtown Holland and got some pictures with the tulips before they were stems.  The three of them give me a run for my money trying to take pictures of them.

Daddy and his babies.

My handsome matching men.

Pretty little ladies

 Mister man.  The only shot of him, head on, that was halfway decent.  Snot included.

aanndd the only shot I got of Jojo that was halfway decent.  Ha.

Believe me when I tell you this is the best picture of me and the three of them.

Adelyn Brecken and I made it to my mom's side for lunch and the kids got to have their first Easter egg hunt of the year.  Adelyn had a blast hunting for eggs and playing at the park.  Brecken had fun entertaining everyone and causing trouble.

Little B and his bag for Easter eggs.

Adelyn and her Easter egg hunter-helper.

B and Auntie Rachie

Adelyn thought it was hysterical if you held your hand out in front of her, she blew on the party favor and it hit her hand.

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