Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Playgroup::John Ball Zoo

We had playgroup at John Ball today.  It ended up being a beautiful day.  The temperature was decent, it wasn't windy and the sun was shining.  Can't ask for more than that.  Everything opens up mid-May so I'm pretty excited for that.

A zoo employee talking to Adelyn and Sophia about the chimps.

Little Loretta :)

All the kiddos by the bears.  Everyone is looking!!

Silly Sophia :)

Handsome Henry

Pretty little Jojo

Love this picture.  LOVE.

Such a pretty girl.

Kisses for Charlie!

All the kiddos watching the penguins

I think Brecken and Jojo were tired..

Everyone is cashed out.  What a great day at the zoo :)

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