Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Birthday-Part 1

We celebrated my birthday on Sunday with my family, my Grandma Smit and my second cousin Simeon.  My dad and Josh are going fishing Tuesday and Wednesday so I was stuck with April Fool's day.  Priorities.  We had fish (YUM), a ranch pasta salad, fruit, rolls and angel food cake with strawberries for lunch.  All of my favorite things.

Birthday Cake!

Make a wish!  For one more baby..just kidding.  Maybe.

Finally got a picture of little B doing this.  When he crawls and he's tired, he puts his head on the ground and goes.  It's the funniest thing and he does it a lot..not so much anymore, since he typically walks.  But apparently he didn't forget.

Birthday picture with my babies.  Pretty good considering everyone had just been wailing.

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