Monday, January 30, 2012

Pudding Paint

I did this, with Adelyn, shortly after Brecken and Joelle were born.  She was looking at her scrapbook the other day and has been requesting to "paint" since then.  I added pudding to my grocery list and we whipped it together today.  I was being extra generous and thought Brecken and Joelle would have fun too.  I sat everyone at the table and let them have at it.

Mister B's first taste.

Jojo's first taste.  Mind you, she doesn't like sweets.  She LOVED the pudding.



 I have to say, Brecken made a HUGE mess.

Joelle made a pretty good mess, herself.  She just contained it to her body ;)

Adelyn got a little crazy at the end ;)

Even Lakota got in on the clean-up :)

They had so much fun and I just plopped them in the bathtub while I cleaned everything up.  I had to drain the tub and refill it because the water was so nasty but, hey, it was well worth an hour of entertainment!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter wonderland

After Adelyn's birthday party we randomly decided to haul everyone outside and play.  There was lots of snow and it was relatively "warm" out.  And Eric was home to help.  Surprisingly, Joelle didn't mind being out there.  I thought she would have a fit because she couldn't move but she just sat there and played or sucked the snow off her glove.  Brecken was able to walk around without falling and we just put him in a couple pairs of pants.

Going for a ride!

Poor little B.  He seems to have gotten the short end of the stick..

Pretty Jojo..Operation No Paci During the Day commences tomorrow.  Watch out, Joelle!

B causing trouble

Adelyn and Brecken "helping" Daddy shovel.

Momma and her babies

Daddy and his babies

We all had a lot of fun..and it wasn't as traumatic as I thought it was going to be!

Adelyn's 3rd Birthday Party::Part One of Three

My little lady is going to be 3.  Don't even want to talk about it.  We had her birthday party with our family today.  We did dessert and presents.  I have asked (and asked!) what she wanted for dessert because I want to make a cool cake and her response every time, except for once, was ice-cream.  So we had an ice-cream bar.  We, of course, picked the snowiest day of the year so we had a couple people bail because of that and then 3 families were it ended up being my parents, my sister, Eric's parents and one of his brothers.  We still had fun and Adelyn loved the attention.

Opening presents!

A new sled! AND snow-pants that fit!!

Stuff for the dollhouse.

Ice-cream bar.  All homemade.  Yum.  If you are coming Sunday you will be getting the same thing ;)

 Birthday Girl!

So cute that she actually gets (and succeeds at) blowing out candles


Birthday party #1=Success!  Next up::Her birthday day and her Super Bowl/Birthday party!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cookie for One...

...or four.  I found this recipe on Pinterest and tried it out.  It was huge.  Ginormous.  Definitely NOT a cookie for one.  And I LOVE cookies.  Eric and I split it..and finished it.  But it did take me a while.  It was so, SO good.

FYI::this is an 11x13 pan.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Can we please go outside?!?!

This is what I hear over and over..and over again.  It takes me forever to get everyone's stuff on, it's cold, Joelle can't walk, I'm afraid Brecken is going to fall down all the time, it's cold, Brecken doesn't have snow-pants, Adelyn's snow-pants are 18month snow-pants, it's cold etc. etc. etc.  My response is usually no and I feel terrible for it.  Today I finally told her SHE could go outside.  She was elated.

I think she was pretty excited...


I told her no because she had been outside for, literally, 10 minutes.  She cried.  Then went and played again.

Seriously makes me laugh.
Adelyn had fun..and we had fun watching her :) :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Compilation of Stats

I thought it would be fun to compile all of my stats for Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle's height, weight and milestones.  Just so I have it in one spot and to compare :)  I realized 2 things while putting this together.  
1. No child is the same.  
2. I make miniature moose for children.  
Since I already knew the first one I'm not sure if it counts but it was reaffirmed to me while I was making this!  I tried to find a national average for everything to.  Ha!  I gave up.  Why?  Because everything I looked at was different. 

                   Adelyn                                                Brecken                                                           Joelle
Birth          7lbs 11oz                                               6lbs 4oz                                                          6lbs 12oz
                   19.5in                                                     19in                                                                  19in
Left Hosp. 7lbs 8ozs                                                   6lbs                                                             6lbs 5oz
1stDr.Visit 7lbs 12oz                                               6lbs 3oz                                                          6lbs 3oz
Wt. Check                                                              6lbs 7oz                                                          6lbs 9oz
2 weeks    8lbs 9ozs                                                7lbs 1oz                                                          7lbs 1oz
                  21 3/4in                                                  19.5in                                                              19.5in
2 months       12lb                                                   11lb 6oz                                                          11lb 8oz
                     23in                                                    21 3/4in                                                          21 3/4in
4 months    15lb 2oz                                               14lb 11oz                                                         15lb 1oz
                  25 1/4in                                                24 1/2in                                                           24 3/4in
6 months    18lb 5oz                                                17lb 3oz                                                         17lb 11oz
                  26 3/4in                                                 26 1/4in                                                          26 1/4in
9 months    19lb 11oz                                              20lb 14oz                                                        20lb 2oz
                  28 1/2 in                                                28 1/4in                                                          28 1/4in
1 year        21lb 11oz                                               22lb 8oz                                                         23lb 3oz
                  30 1/2in                                                 30 1/4in                                                              30in
15 months  23lb 15oz                                               24lb 10oz                                                      24lb 12oz
                     32in                                                       31in                                                                 32in

*My definition of milestone is when they can do something repetitively.  Not they did it once and then started doing it frequently 2 weeks later*

                 Adelyn                                                 Brecken                                                           Joelle
Smile:       1mo 1d                                                  1mo 15d                                                         1mo 21d
Grasp:      2mo 6d                                                  2mo 12d                                                         2mo 7d
Roll F-B:   2mo 6d                                                  3mo 26d                                                         4mo 25d
Laugh:         5mo                                                    3mo 29d                                                         4mo 17d
Roll B-F:   5mo 4d                                                  6mo 17d                                                         4mo 22d
Grab Toes:  5mo                                                     5mo 2d
Start Food: 3mo 21d                                               5mo 6d                                                           5mo 6d
Sit:            5mo 15d                                                6mo 7d                                                           6mo 7d
Lay-Sit :                                                                 7mo 2d                                                           7mo 30d
Crawl:        8mo 14d                                                7mo 29d                                                         8mo 9d
1st tooth:   11mo 6d                                                8mo 9d                                                               9mo
Pull -Stand: 8mo 21d                                               8mo 10d                                                         8mo 18d
Walk:        11mo 18d                                              10mo 4d                                                         13mo 15d

So fun that I have all of their milestones in the same place now!  
The blank spots:  
-I looked everywhere for Brecken and Joelle's 2wk stats and I can't find them.  I will ask next time we go.  
-Joelle never really grabbed her toes as a milestone.  I kept watching for it but it never really happened.  She can totally grab her toes now (I think?) but she never did it all the time like Adelyn and Brecken.
-Why the "late" start for Brecken and Joelle on food?  I thought I did Adelyn waayyy to early and wanted to wait a bit.  I was, originally, going to wait until 6 months with them.  I got sick of waking up all the time so I thought starting food would help with their sleeping.  Big surprise.  It did not. 
-Apparently I didn't think laying to sitting was a milestone for Adelyn-I do not have it written down.
-You could see Joelle's 2 front teeth at the same time Brecken's popped through but hers didn't come through until a couple weeks later.  Brecken is such a fast teether and Joelle is so slow, just like Adelyn.
  -Joelle still isn't walking-so I don't have a date for that ;) 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Grand Rapids Childrens Museum

We had play group at the Children's Museum today.  It was a lot of fun!  We ended up buying a membership because it would have been $30 for me to go with the kids or $60 for a year membership.  Totally worth it.  I didn't think Brecken and Joelle would be able to do a whole lot but they actually were able to.  I looked at my pictures and I got tons of horrible ones-the lighting in there was awful/great.  Awful when shooting in auto mode because they had a million windows.  Great for shooting in manual because there was lots of natural light.  I tend to shoot in auto when I'm by myself with all 3 so I don't lose track of someone while I'm trying to figure out settings ;)  aanndd nobody would look at me because who wants to look at momma when there is a million and one things to do?!

Miss Adelyn with her groceries

Adelyn on the left, random girl in the middle, Kaylee on the right going shopping!

Brecken and Joelle checking out the balls

Little man doing some cooking...his poor nose.  We were playing outside yesterday and he fell on the driveway.

My littlest lady checking out an apple

B loved exploring-no fear!

Talking on the phone-through the ear piece.  

Pretty girls in the car!

Brecken and Joelle crawling through the barn

Joelle thinking if she wanted to go down or not..not ;)

Adelyn found the bubbles right when we went upstairs

So cool-every time she bent over her shirt would pop the bubble!

So Momma stepped in to help ;)

Mrs. Rachael and Kaylee making bubbles!

We had so much fun and will definitely be going back!  Here's to hoping we don't catch the plague..

Monday, January 9, 2012


Today because I was bored out of my gourd.  Today because I was going nuts stuck in the house.  Today because there is not a lot I can do with B and J being at an in-between age.  Today because it is only the beginning of the week.  Today I decided to do something I haven't done before.  Today I hauled one of our little pools in the house.  I took the biggest pot I had, filled it up and 3 of those made a nice amount of water in the pool.  Adelyn was SOO excited when I brought the pool inside.  She was stoked.  While they were playing in it she told me she was having fun.  That's when I know I scored.  I was a bit worried about splashing and spillage so I told her if she made big splashes we wouldn't do it again.  She didn't make big splashes ;)  Definitely something we will be doing again.

Look at all those teeth.  Yikes.  Adelyn only had 2 when she was his age.  B?  He has 7.  SEVEN!

Pretty little lady.

Such a cheesy girl!  She was so excited :)

My little loves.

"Little splashes."

B-man escaped.  I had to get a picture of his little buns.  See that bruise on his leg?  That's from his shots.  From over 3 weeks ago.