We were planning on going to Shackleford today. My children were having insane issues with diarrhea. All four of them. It's been really nasty. Really, really nasty. Lots and lots and lots of feces. We have had blow outs, accidents in our undies, waking up in the middle of the night, crap all over the bathroom floor in the pool bathroom. An all around grossness. Shackleford doesn't have a bathroom on it. I wasn't going to take them to the island, for 8 hours, without a bathroom. I was super sad. Nothing I was doing was helping. One of my kids ate toast, crackers and bananas all day and it did not make a difference. So, so bad. And I was so, so sad we weren't going. The night before it kind of tapered off. The morning of, there was none. We decided to go last minute. Marianne didn't want to go (because of last year's experience) and she had school all day. So off we went.
The boat ride over.
Uncle Josh and Brecken
Auntie and Papa
Don't ever leave the pack mules at home, when taking four children to Shackleford. They are indispensable. With that being said, all the adults also thought my wonder wheeler was indispensable.
This is seriously my happy place. We weren't sure how warm the ocean would be because we always go late in the season. This year we were so early we thought it would be cold. It certainly wasn't bath water. But it wasn't to chilly either.
It wouldn't be normal if I didn't forget something. Today it was the remaining pieces of Lincoln's swim suit. At least I had the swim diaper... We found them in the back of my truck. So they were with us. Just not with us.
These kiddos love the ocean
This stud muffin
He had so much fun playing in the little tide pools
These three had so much fun playing in the ocean. The current was rather strong so I was watching them pretty closely. We set up shop closer to the end and didn't walk into the island so much. The ocean was meeting the fresh water, hence the current.
This is the awesome-est picture.
Walking around with Adelyn's bucket of shells
She loves building little sand castles and decorating them with sea shells and feathers
Sadly, you still get internet reception on Shackleford.
We forbade Joelle from burying herself in the sand this year. One wicked case of sand fleas was enough for this Momma.
After we ate lunch, we headed off to find the horses. It was a perfect time to completely cover L up and give that sweet baby skin a break from the sun.

Eric said I was obsessed with poop this vacation. It's probably because that's all he heard me talking about. But I had to take a picture of the silver mushrooms.

We found them!!!

Family Selfie

So pretty

They were behaving super oddly. They were all circled around this one horse. If we moved, the standing horses turned with us. They were making sure we stayed away. We were questioning if the horse was dying...

All of my people. Minus Marianne, Seanie and Daddy.

Sweet sleeping boy holding his momma.

One never knows why this one is crying. He always has a reason. They are never very good. Alas, we will give him a freebie. Lots of sun, no rests, lots of walking does equal crabby people.
They sent in the chopper to rescue us.
We were walking back and the kids wanted to swim.
We said go for it.
We all had a good laugh over the irony of this....
Waiting for our ferry ride back.
We had a fire to relax at home. I will have you know, no one had to poop, while we were on the island. The rest of the vacation? That is completely another matter. I got a one day reprieve. Out of about 8.
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