Lincoln was helping Momma getting ready to go. He's cute.
All packed up and ready to go! We thought it might be a good idea to put Lincoln in the way back with Adelyn. That turned out to be a really rotten idea and we switched him in Detroit. That's how far we made it. Turns out it probably wouldn't have mattered since he screamed the.whole.way. but it did help when I held his hand.
Couldn't even make it out of the state before we hit a traffic jam. Good ole Ann Arbor.
Stopping at a rest stop in Ohio to eat supper. My sister took over driving from here. Then I took the shift from 2-7, then my sister started driving again.
Then it started torrential down pouring. Rach decided she didn't want to drive. We were so close and nearly everyone had pulled off to the side of the road. I wasn't stopping. So we pulled over and I drove the rest of the way.
We got there and my parents asked if we were there yet. This is the picture I sent them.
We got inside and had to bust out the selfie stick.
My dad was thrilled.
We were all in this room. L slept in his pack n play, we had two small air mattresses and they had a queen size air mattress for two of us. They all rotated who shared the bed with me.
The next morning we had to head straight to the pool.

Oh he's the cutest.
B-diddy showing off his mad skills.
After supper Marianne and I took the bebes to the park.

Their favorite wooden chopper

The North Carolina sky
Monday we spent a good portion of the day lazing around.
We found a big ole cicada chilling in the grass.
Lilo and I cuddled on the couch.
My dad took Lincoln outside. Because he's happiest outside.
"Nurse you Papa?" Doesn't quite work that way.
My dad may kill me for this. I was going on and on about the awful smell. I was asking all the kids if they farted. They all said no. I asked them all again and again. Now they are getting mad. I checked Lincoln's diaper 12 times. Then I look over at my dad (whom I was sitting right next too) and he is just beet red, dying, trying to hold in his laughter. Hmph.
This is how Adelyn felt about the smell.
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