We wanted to go back to the river one last time before we went. Josh and Marianne came with this time :) Marianne hurt her hand at work and got some unexpected days off.
L-diddy rocking his swimming trucks out
You can bring the dogs to the river!
Pretty girls playing in a smelly puddle
He adored climbing all over the tree stumps
Unca Josh
We took a trip to Atlantic Beach at night. It was a little chilly. That didn't bother the kids.
Lincoln is in a let's blow raspberries on everyone's belly stage.
Free demonstrations::
Atlantic Beach at sunset? Yes please.
Love walking with my brown little boy
Night time swim.
Josh had warned me that Lilo and Stitch loooooove stuffed animals. We "tried" to keep the door closed to our bedroom and our stuffed animals in there. In the chaos of leaving for Shackleford, yesterday, someone forgot to close it. In the interest of full disclosure, it very well could have been me. Marianne called on our way back and said "Ummm....one of the stuffed animals died." So Josh is trying to tell me this without saying it and he says "Remember that thing I told you not to do?" Inwardly I'm panicking thinking someone left water on and the house is flooded or we left the slider open and burglars ransacked the house. Nope. Someone forgot to close the bedroom door. Oh goodie. I tell Brecken that if I can't fix it, I will buy him a new one. He took it surprisingly calmly.
When we got back from Atlantic Beach, and the kids were in bed, I sat down to fix the monkey. He almost lost his eye and we weren't quite sure if he was going to make it. Josh told me just to rip it off and sew him a patch. Clearly Josh thinks I'm some kind of magician.
As you can see I had a guilty audience. I kept saying "Lillllooooo what did you do?" She feels very sorry for herself.

All fixed! I'm quite impressed. After I washed the dog slobber off, you can barely tell I had to sew it back on. Brecken was pleased :)
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