Since the previous 8 days have been swimming in poop, there is no reason why day 9 wouldn't start out the same way. At 5:30, I hear Lincoln wake up. I smell an awful smell. I go get him. I realize he is ooooooozing in poop. Just oozing. It got everywhere. It was also all over the pack n play. All over like it's never been all over our stuff before. We are predictable.
We wanted to see Uncle Josh and Auntie Marianne's planes. Pretty little ladies.
They DO love each other. ;)
Rides in the Tug.
Never leave without snacks for Lincoln. Never.
We stopped someone to get a picture of all of us.
Climbing. Always climbing.
After the planes, we did a lot of packing, some more swimming and we left for home around 6. Lincoln didn't take a nap so we were planning on him zonking right away. Well. He did. Then he woke up 45 minutes later and the screaming started. And continued. And didn't stop. Rach and I just looked at each like oooohhhhh my word. I think we thought we were going to die. Thankfully he stopped around 11 and didn't really cry the rest of the way. Around 11, we stopped at a gas station to get gas, nurse the wailer and take kids to the bathroom. Shortly before then we heard "Mommy....I thought I had to fart. And I pooped." In the car. Can I tell you the last time someone had an accident in the car? 3 years ago when we potty-trained B and J. And nobody has ever crapped their pants in the car. So said child got their undies thrown away in the bathroom trash, a diaper strapped on and the other child that had serious bathroom issues also got a diaper "just in case." Because Momma can't handle crap in the car.
Thankfully, my sister got amazing sleep all week. I drop from 6:30-11 and Rach drove from 11-6 the next morning. We stopped for snacks and bathroom breaks. This is what I got::
Michigan!!!! Never have two people been more thankful for state lines.
2,229 miles and we are home again!!! I wanted one last picture and Adelyn said "Oh great. You just had to use your China stick again."

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