Tuesday, March 11, 2014

bUmPdate::22 weeks


How far along:: 22 weeks, belly measuring 23 weeks
Heartbeat:: racing along at 155, I blamed the Peeps I ate for lunch.
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 10lbs.  Doc was still annoyed at my lack of weight gain.  They have me up like 4lbs from my initial weigh in.  I told them to buy a new scale.
Movement:: All the time!  I'm still waiting for the kids to be able to feel the baby but, so far, no luck.
Symptoms:: Braxton hicks are kicking in more and more.  Still way less than the other two pregnancies.  Still have my sinus infection but she tested me for strep and that was negative, so that was good.
What I miss: Eating gluten.
Cravings:: Ice cream!  I've slowly been incorporating dairy back into my diet.  Just staying away from cow's milk like the plague.
Best moments this week:: Leaving on Saturday!
What I am looking forward to:: Leaving on Saturday!
Names:: 2 boy names.  2 girl names.  We think we have our favorite girl name.  Just debating the boy name.
Funny Moments::  Adelyn was asking me, again, where the baby was going to come out.
"God will make a way."
A: But where?  Out of your mouth.
Me: No.
A: Out of your belly button?
Me: No
A: Out of your butt?
Me: Nooooo.
A: Well I think the baby is coming out of your butt.  Because that's a really big butt.
I laughed.

She asked, AGAIN, later that week.  So I finally told her.  I thought I would hear alllll about it, the next day, and that she would tell everyone.  Nope.  She hasn't said a word since.  Apparently that traumatized her enough.  I didn't even go into detail, I just told her where.  And that was that.

22 weeks with all three.  A-B/J-BF4

22 weeks                       22weeks 002  031

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