Monday, March 24, 2014

If only it would just stay like this…

Since we have been home it hasn't been pleasant, temperature wise, but it has been sunny and the roads are all clear.  Yesterday Brecken, Joelle and I stayed home from church and discovered that the bike path is officially (kinda) clear.  They were thrilled!  There is no hollering of "Stay by the side!"  "Slow down!"  "STOOOOOOOOP!" when we are on the bike path.  It's like free reign.  We also went out, again, after naps.

Monday morning the kids asked if they could go for a bike ride after their Motor Movement class.  Off we went.  This is on our way back.

They really wanted to do a craft after naps and then do a bike ride with Daddy after supper.  So that's what we did.  They loved the tree craft we did in the fall.  So we made a spring time one.  Adelyn promptly informed me that the trees are green in SUMMER.  So I said well after they are dry let's add flowers.  Because flowers on trees are in the spring.  She said ok;)

Then, this morning, we woke up to a fresh blanket of snow.  Awesome.  BUT it is supposed to warm up this weekend and be in the 40's/50's all next week.  So there is that to be thankful for.  I smell a zoo visit coming up.


  1. When I'm at a loss for things to keep my little girl busy, I am just going to reference your blog. You have fun things lined up all of the time!

  2. When I am at a loss for things to do with my little girl, I am just going to reference your blog. You have fun things lined up all of the time!
