Thursday, October 24, 2013

3 of Us Were Happy This Morning

Alternately titled:: This Better Never Happen Again.  Only In Michigan.  I Hate Snow.  He Wasn't Joking.  ...You get the picture...
Eric brought Adelyn back to her bed in the middle of the night.  He crawled back in our bed and said "There is snow all over the ground.  Like actual accumulation."  I said "Your lying.  I don't want to talk about it."  and I went back to sleep.  When I woke up at 5:30 for Hot Yoga I discovered he was correct.  Sick.  Disgusting.  Yuck.

The SECOND the kids woke up they were asking to go play in it.  I had every excuse in the book.  It's wet.  It's cold.  It's wet.  Your snow stuff is in the basement.  I need to take a shower.  I have to do the dishes.  In the end, when they were running around the house in their hats and gloves, I caved.  Out we went.  Sad.  Then they requested that we build a snowman.  Let me remind you, I had on a fleece, my knee length yoga pants and a pair of boots with a huge hole in them.  And greasy hair.  I was a hot mess.  The snow was perfect snowman snow, so I couldn't object.  AND they have 3 snowmen on their winter bucket list.  1 down, 2 to go.
Adelyn actually rolled the middle all by herself, Joelle worked on the top and Brecken "assisted" with the bottom.  I am STILL protesting winter and used sea shells for the eyes, mouth and buttons and straw for hair.
The girls holding "Rachel's" hands.

Meanwhile this is how Brecken felt about snowman building.  Might have something to do with the fact that he kept taking his gloves off.  "Me cold.  Me tired.  Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh"

After supper tonight, Joelle and I went out for dessert at Peachwave and Eric took Adelyn and Brecken to Meijer for a free cookie (and groceries!)  This little cutie was pretty excited and it was nice to spend a minute with her that DIDN'T have the ER, the doctor or the urologist involved.

Then we walked out to this.  "Yucky snow."  Per Joelle.  Amen sister.

BUT it IS supposed to be 55 next week.  I'll survive.  Meanwhile, I don't EVER want to make another snowman in October AGAIN.  Thank you.

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