Friday, October 11, 2013

Good Finds

I was just telling Eric last night that Adelyn needed new shoes in a bad way.  Garage sale shoes, for older kids, can be tricky to find.  I had said to him, we just need to cough it up and buy her some nice ones.  I was planning on going to a garage sale in our neighborhood the following morning but I was NOT planning on finding this batch of goodies.
11 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of pajamas, 1 pair of shorts and 1 SUPER nice Lands End coat for Adelyn.  8 shirts, 4 swimming trunks and 4 pairs of shoes for Brecken.  1 pair of shoes for Joelle.  Some toy dinosaurs, a doll stroller and grocery cart all for $46.
I was 15 minutes late for a playdate but I was NOT skipping out on those garage sales ;)

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