Thursday, October 17, 2013

Monster Mash

John Ball Zoo had there Member's Only Monster Mash tonight.  We had to pay for tickets and then it was supposed to rain.  I tried to cancel the tickets but they were non-refundable.  It ended up raining all day and stopping just in time for Monster Mash.  So we went.  This is our crew this year.  2 nurses (doctors, Red Cross-per other people) and a Marine (pilot, army, air force-per other people).  I've stopped correcting.  I just nod my head and smile.  Close enough.  Clearly they got the point ;)  We found Brecken's outfit when we were in NC and I made the girls with pillow cases.  They have some work that still needs to be done but I'd say I was pretty successful.

Obligatory John Ball picture.

Waiting in line outside the Ape House to do Trick or Treating.  I am so impressed with the lack of candy the zoo gave.  We got precisely 3 pieces.  They got some plastic rings, a rubber ducky, stickers, pencils and the biggest hit was a gigantic plastic snake.

Show me your crazy face.

Going through the hay maze.

Coming out the maze.  You can get a good look at the plastic snake.

They had a clown juggling and doing tricks in the aquarium.  He wasn't entirely clownish.  Just a nose and the shoes.  He was doing mime things too.  Brecken was TERRIFIED of him.  "I don't like that big man.  Scary man.  I don't like him.  Let's go."  He talks about him to this day.

We had a lot of fun and we were super glad the weather cleared up so we didn't waste our $28.

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