Friday, October 4, 2013

Raspberry Picking

I took these cuties raspberry picking a while back.  I had been wanting to go for the longest time.  Just never made it happen.  We pulled up and found out they were closed that day.  Epic fail.  Then she said that we could pick anyways.  Phew.  I was about to have WW3 on my hands.

It's kinda nice to have the field to yourself ;)  And, yes, Brecken picked in a button down and tie.

Pretty sure the berries you see in her bucket are absolute mush.  I had to discretely dump them in the bush.  She had raspberries ev.ery.where.  Yum.

Adelyn picked quite a few berries.  She is quite the little helper monkey.

Naturally, no one wants to look.


The other fun part of DeLanges?  The animals.  They have quite a few to look at.  B and J are watching some chickens in this one.

Around back, they had a couple friendly horses that just LOVED being fed.  Adelyn and Joelle (and myself!) had a ball.  Brecken just stood back and watched.  An animal lover he is not.  He LOVES the mini-horses at our CSA pick up.  But if anything is slightly intimidating looking, he is out.

Both girls have had their fingers nibbled by the mini-horses.  They have been told time and time again to hold their hands flat.  They are slowly getting it ;)  Adelyn also likes to hold onto the last teeny tiny part of something and just give it the horses that way.

I have loved these "picking" activities with the kids this summer.  They are so much fun to be around :)

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