Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Some of what we have been doing…

We have been crafting up a storm lately.  Adelyn got it in her head we had to make sock puppets.  So one morning we set out to make them.  The kids thoroughly got into it.  Adelyn stringing her hair on and putting jewels on her lady.  Eric was afraid I used all his socks.  Just so you know, it was a pair of mine and one lone sock of his.

Joelle hairing hers up.  Isn't her haircut so cute?!  I need to cut it again.

"Oh no!  She fell over!"

 It took 2 days for all the glue and sparkles to dry.  I'm sure you understand.  Then Brecken promptly picked off the eyes and his jewels.  So I glued them back on.  Then he picked them off again AND his hair.  So I threw it away when he wasn't looking.  He didn't care.
The girls, however, love to put on puppet shows and run around with them on their hands.  They are beyond adorable.

This picture is only included because the hair on the doll cracks me up.  And creeps me out..

 We also worked on making thankful turkeys.
Adelyn is thankful for:: trees, mommy, uncle, josh (on two fingers because she's thankful for both Uncle Josh's.  I can not make this up.) and Nana.  Daddy was sad he didn't get a finger..
Brecken is thankful for:: love, grass, daddy, mommy and uncle josh.
Joelle is thankful for:: mommy, uncle josh, daddy, grandma and baby dolls.

It's a lot of work crafting with my kiddos.  And messy.  But they have so much fun.  And who really cares if there is a little bit of glue on the table anyways?!  We are making memories.
Adelyn is currently in the process of making an adorable book.  I may be regretting how many pages I stapled together but she is totally loving it.

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