Monday, October 14, 2013

Last Beach Day

We went to the beach today.  I was driving that way because Brecken and Joelle had fallen asleep in the car.  I totally forgot they were working on the dune that week.  So, of course, when I stopped they woke up.  It was actually pretty nice out so we all got out and watched the bulldozers.  I was mighty impressed that they just moved the sand over to the beach instead of dumping it elsewhere.

Looks soooo different without that dune there..


Then we went for a walk down the shore.  Everybody had to pick up pieces of sticks to throw in the lake.

And we got to watch the dump truck drive by



So crazy..

Adelyn was pretending she was reading a map and leading the way ;)

Then we found a bunch of lady bugs and everybody loved holding them.  Adelyn thought it was hilarious that it was crawling all over her.  It's right on the middle seam of her shirt, kinda by her arm pit.

This little dude walks every where with his hood up.  Gansta nation..  And he was also hiding his stick under his shirt because I wouldn't let him take it with.  Yes, the family behind him is SWIMMING.  My kids were insanely jealous.

So glad we got to go one last time while the weather was nice.  I meant to take them one night, the last nice week but that never happened.  Then they could have dipped their toes in.  Oh well, the bulldozers and dump trucks were pretty cool too.

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