Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kool-Aid Play-Doh

Adelyn's been asking and asking for play-doh lately and I haven't had any salt (I, for some odd reason, don't like wasting half a cup of my expensive salt on play-doh) or alum.  We had Daddy pick some up from the store on his way home and promptly made some play-doh.  I saw on Pinterest that you could substitute Kool-Aid packets for food coloring and thought I should give it a try.  What a great idea!  Fun colors and it's not as blasted expensive as food coloring.  Adelyn loved playing with it and Brecken and Joelle loved eating it.

These three are trouble.  But I love them :)

Caption of the day:: "Brecken!  Why do you always get me mixed up in your shenanigans!  You know Mommy always catches us!"

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