Monday, July 30, 2012

Daddy's 30th...

...a week late.  Better late than never.  Eric's 30th was the 23rd.  Our Biggest Loser competition ended the 31st.  Pretty much meant that Eric wasn't going to be getting anything special, food-wise, for his actual birthday.  I normally get him a bunch of donuts or make some cookies for him to bring to work but this year I made cake cookies (over a hundred!) and Buckeye Bark (the same thing as PB balls only bark) for him to bring to work.  Two of Eric's favorite desserts.  They were all gone within 24 hours.  No joke.  Adelyn helped me make all the cookies and after everyone woke up from their nap they had to help sample.

I went all Pioneer Woman and took a cast of characters picture.  3lbs of butter, 14 eggs and 7 cake mixes.  *Note to self::Meijer brand chocolate cake.  Not so good.

My helper monkey.  I think the frosting was good.

All three approved.  Notice the 43298724389723 peaches in the background?!  Yeh that's 4 bushels worth.  2 for me and 2 for Mark and Tiff.  Yikes.

This was our post-Biggest Loser breakfast.  After our final weigh-in we scarfed some cake batter pancakes and sausage links.  Seems logical.

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