Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Farewell My Firstborn...  We finally decided (for sure) to get rid of Lakota.  I asked if any of our friends wanted her on FB and I posted her on CraigsList.  Eric fully informed me that if I put her on CraigsList this time it was for good.  I kept her in her cage all day until Eric got home, I never took her out and my last option was building the patio out back so we could leave her chained up out there.  I'm pretty sure that's not fair.  I knew I was going to be super picky about her new home so every time I got an email I Facebooked the person or Googled them and made my determination that way.  I don't like you because you are a college kid.  I don't like you because you used to work at an adult super store.  I don't like you because you emailed me 4 times in one day.  I don't like you because your email address is fizzyfreak.  I don't like you because you can't email me without using u or 4(for) or any kind of correct punctuation or grammar (like 3 different people).  The last person who email me I could not find on FB and all Google had to say was that she lived in GR and was 35-45.  Her email address had prayn in the email address.  She is the only one who got a response.  We communicated back and forth via email quite a few times, I talked to her husband on the phone and then we set up a time to go meet them.  Not to leave Lakota there but to see how she did and what their house/yard was like.  As soon as we got there they invited us right in and Lakota did not get super excited and jump all over them.  I was already impressed.  She was calm and just walked around everywhere.  The people had two kids, 4 and 6.  They had wood floors everywhere.  I asked Cherie if she was prepared for the amount of hair that was going to be on her floor.  She said she was.  We told them all the "bad" things that Lakota does.  We chatted about everything.  We were there for 2 hours.  When we left Adelyn was upset that Lakota was coming with us.  Eric had talked to her that morning and said it was time for some other people to have a turn with Lakota and she was going to live with someone else.  She was totally ok with it.  Obviously ;)  Eric and I chatted on the way home and we both felt it was them or no one.  I called them when I got home and told them that.  I told them they didn't have to rush their decision and to call me the next day and let me know what they decided.  They called and said they couldn't wait to have her and were so excited we were ok with giving her away.  We were leaving for camping on the 4th of July and figured that would be a good day for her to leave and have a "trial run."  If things went bad we would take her back.  Things went GREAT for her.  They take her everywhere they go (even though she gets car sick).  They give her the Bonine and she gets a doggie sack.  They are totally used to car sickness.  Their son gets car sick every.single.time they go somewhere.  She sleeps in their rooms with them.  The kids are in love with her.  It makes us so happy that she finally has 4 people to love on her and take care of her.  Dan and Cherie send us texts and emails with updates and I, honestly, love hearing how well she is doing.  The only time I have twinges of sadness is when I see pictures of the kids loving on her.  Someday we will have another dog.  For now the time is totally unacceptable and we are ok with that.  It has made our life IMMENSELY easier.  Thank you so much Dan and Cherie for loving our dog for us!

My farewell pictures.
Lakota taking her last snoozer in the backyard

Jojo LOVED Lakota.  She loves animals and she was probably the one who missed Lakota the most.  Everybody and everything was Kota? after we were gone.  At one point she called Adelyn Kota and Adelyn yelled at her "I am not a dog!  That is not nice!"

Me and Kota Bear.  Pardon my scary picture but it was super early in the morning and I was finishing up some last minute camping preparations.

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