Sunday, July 8, 2012

Camping Part 2::Hoffmaster

Oh Hoffmaster.  How we have decided not to come back to you.  For a long time.  It was SOO dirty.  Our site was pure dirt.  As soon as the kids stepped outside they were covered in dirt.  Head to toe, clothes included.  It was a REALLY long walk to the beach.  The stroller would only go so far and then we had to walk a ways.  Not so fun when you have 3 toddlers.  We walked it one day, drove to the State Park the next day and brought our beach stuff on our daily hike the last day.  The kids did a lot better sleeping.  With the exception of Brecken.  He has one molar that just doesn't want to break the skin.  It decided to while we were on vacation.  He wasn't to bad.  He just took a while to actually fall asleep and then woke up at 6:30 every day.  The last night I gave him Tylenol and he went right down and didn't wake until 7.  Not sure if it was the lack of sleep from days prior or the Tylenol.  Or both.  Adelyn did great, however, so I'll take what I can get.  We still had lots of fun.  Just won't be going back to Hoffmaster anytime soon ;)

My babies and me at the fireworks

Adelyn holding her sparklers from Nana and Papa.

She liked them.  Until I had her do one in each hand.  One sparked her hand, she threw the lit sparklers in the dry, parched grass and said she was done.  I frantically stomped it out with my flip-flop.

I thought about having Brecken and Joelle hold one.  Then I thought again.

Eric's picture of a firework.  He's rather proud.  What I didn't post was the 150 other pictures he took of the fireworks.


Us and some random girl building our own swimming pool.  She was terrified I was going to let B and J destroy it.  No joke.

Angry Mister B and Momma

Adelyn and Momma.  And Brecken's business end.  There wasn't a picture without it in there.

                                                                                                   Brecken was taking his floatie and leaving.                 Jojo and Momma                                                                          He was through with us.
B eating.  His plate.  Adelyn texting.

Mi familia.

Banana Smores.  Thank you Pinterest.  They were yummy.

DEFINITELY Brecken approved.  Bananas and sugar.  His two favorite things.


When Daddy and Adelyn went to Meijer to buy paper plates (because a certain older male in our house thought that 6 should last a whole camping trip) he bought her a kite.  While B and J napped they went to fly it.

Daddy picked it out all by his self.

How fun..and so cute.

Can't go on vacation without getting ice cream.                          Brecken eating it by his self for the first time.
Jojo.  The girl doesn't like sweets but she LOVES her some ice-cream.

                    Adelyn swinging                                            I think he wanted to get out...just a guess, though.

Happy Boy!

She could sit in the swing all day.

Going down the slide..weeeeeeeeee!

We are home for a week, then off for a week with Nana and Auntie Rach!  Can't wait.

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