Saturday, March 17, 2012

Second to last Swimming Lesson

Eric and my Mom are taking Brecken and Joelle to Adelyn's swimming class next week so I knew I wouldn't get any pictures then.  Something about trying to keep two 15-month old's out of the pool.  They didn't use any flotation devices today and Adelyn was definitely leery of "walking" around the edge with nothing on.  She got it though and did great.  She is probably the slowest to pick up on things in her class, which I am ok with.  I want to take her to Zeeland and work on it one-on-one without any distractions before I move her up.  She's good but I feel like I could be more firm with her to get her to do things.

Whenever I tell her we are going to swimming class she gets all excited to see Chloe and Kelsey.  I'm not sure if she remembers which one Kelsey is but she sure was chatting it up with the little boy next to her today!

Practicing swimming on her back.

Jumping in

This is how the instructor brought them all back to the stairs.  Too cute.

Getting a high five at the end of class..I wasn't paying attention and the flash went off on the camera.  Blech.

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